By the oaty tits of Artemis-!!What have you done!?You fools! She’ll kill us All!

Hear that, Elizabeth! IM COMIN TO JOINNYA, honey!

Redd Foxx, being forced to drink Oatmilk(or else)…

I was fine. Tha laughing was pure, true first capture. Was willing to give up the ghost.

…first taste was fine. I’ll give it that.

But three sips in the froth had gotten cool and it started to thicken on the palate.

…Like congealing watery oatmeal in 1985 that one struggled to finish without popping in the newfangled Micro WAVE to inhale before running for the bus in the snow.

i had to go nuke it and then still add hot water to it so it’d not sludge down my surprisingly sensitive, will so throw up on everyone (Everyone? EVERYONE!!) esophagus lol.

I mean… that’s a lot of responsiveness for someone who has no problem with psyllium Or Beef gelatin. Or oysters! Or frickin Oatmeal!
