(Regardless of what is going on outside of you) The real issue...is how You...are relating to the issue.
Demi Moore
Category Archive: 75|hard or soft?
But WHY MenSWEAR, of all things, in the #menslikedis capital of tha world turn of the century? | Every corner| Thierry Perez mofos
Nut’n ta see, Men!Just a racist old guy in “sex doll Orangeface” double fisting some Big, Black WOoky peen before fuQn a garbage bag to YMCA… for some undecided votes.
...all I really want right now is some hot sake & cherry juice & weird 🐇 holes to dance through in bed online after that epic steam, maybe a marquee musical or something soothingly mellow to go with the crickets singing in the trees outside.
fridaze meditation
Belle has been accusing me for DECADES!| & It’s the women in the comments who’ve made my Day!
The realization.
This flows beautifully, in body~| Vivien Chao
Hard pencils.
…how hard is it?
…I won’t stop thinking about your mouth on the outskirts of mine. Drunk off you aging like wine. Mainlining thoughts of you like wet dreams lost at sea, knowing and loving what you do to me.