If the only way you can even THINK to win as a human being in 2024 is by openly & flagrantly trying to re-RIG the "game" like it is 1960 so alll the colored folk and birthers who outclass and outperform you on a daily have to give you a head start [or sit out the match overall]...how the fuck are you not embarrassed or ashamed of yourselves?


And if you really think your soul contracts saying You can't speak on politics or current events is Ever going to inhibit my saying what's on my anarchist heart ...keep sucking the dicks that have you fn deranged enough to think your cowardice needs to be honored by me too. IF that's what you gotta do to keep your money right you are already cursed, bro. You need help.

Meanwhile? Fuck outta here.

#growapair & #publiclygiveadamnforonce