SO.. the guy… who started a company called neuralink, aimed at putting chips in people’s brains[ to control them] a la the book of Revelation, positioned himself as the face of a banking cabal that bought twitter to train neuralink Ai in all human speech to text pathologies… and then broke into the US treasury with a crew of misogynistically foppish, virgin nerds [islam playbook, just saying] …and harvested all the government data of the citizens of the United States of America. The dude who struts around in Baphomet armor?

& everybody is surprised?

The president of the United States…whose son-in-law is on record before he even got[re]elected as saying “Gaza would be great beachfront property to develop…” is standing at a conference with the man pretty much all of Israel has said is not Their leader…saying “Move all the Palestinians out …so we can develop it into a middle eastern riviera….for people OTHER than the ones we’re kicking out-” The dude others picked solely out of their hatred of Harris?

& everybody is surprised?

Stan Lee isn’t surprised(Rest In Peace).

Marvel Studios isn’t surprised.

This nonsense has been predictively programmed for a good two decades.

…Are y’all surprised moooos waiting for some Avengers or are you ready to suit up and geterdone?

Photo by Pixabay on

The Angel sits hilariously still simultaneously tickled, complimented & horrified by the marine biology SDSU professor who hoped she was a student, turned bright red at her guffawed "no...but thank you(y'oughta be shamed lol look )," yet recovered well from his caught-ness &still gave it the old(horndawged lol) college try lol.

Or "When "what are ya, a Marine Biologist😜?" Gives a dude an "actually~" recoup ...because it turns out he is lol."

Wait until it "comes" out that Elon Musk is pissed at USAID because they were helping Black South African FArmers get their fucking lands back from the racist european Immigrant thugs that apartheid had allowed to steal from them.

His family" was wealthy until the 80s." Pay attention to the timelines lol. Petty.

Yes, the 2nd plane. They’re sacrifices.

Y’all’s biggest problem is y’all think this is a new threat.

This isn’t about Trump 2.0. Trump is 80 years old, at least.

That means… when all those laws were passed where they HAD to start treating women as equals, Blacks as equals…

all those “wins”…were against him & his friends. It’s the same set of guys. Who were FORCED to be humans.

white bird ceramic figurine in grayscale photography
Photo by Johannes Albert on

Like literally. Plus the fucktwats that hid in the shadows pretending to be EEOC. Shit’s passing in congress by same age group of fucktwats who rued having to start tearfully treating everyone as human beings. They can only compete on loaded fields.

…so he’s blowing up the court.

he testran the plane thing in your faces.

The boeing shit was a threat. People were sabotaging shit. They did it with the trains too. Those were attacks y’all all waved off. So… what now?

History Lesson: his rich "friends" are who demolished american industry by moving to China where lower overhead & child labor was fine. So his rallying cry towards the offspring of those who were defeated & devastated when the US companies moved to China...was him bitching against all he & his cronies did & do.

& now... all those companies... have to pay a 75% on their shit they cheaply manufacture abroad & flood the market with here. In order to keep doing so. Because he was trying to show the world that old white man Bullying still works.

Trump is at war with the United states. Plain & Simple.

Hitler destroyed the German govt in 53 days. So he's got numbers to try& make.