Episode 89 of the Twilight Zone( 4th season, maybe 4th episode) is hard. To make peace with seeing. The very ones you loved on the most can harbor the most rancid hatred towards you for no reason. Instead of harboring hatred for those who looked like him who decimated his soul… he instead reeks of rage against those who loved him up out of that abyss. Even though what betrayed him had his eyes when he looks in the mirror…he writhes and withers from within with hatred in every other direction. Out of malignant cowardice.

Watching Latinos angrily tell Black people to “humble themselves & help Latinos find a way out of this ” Trump shit they cosigned like he Didn’t Openly say They were in his crosshairs …seething with hatred towards us for accepting them as they decided to be towards us with Kamala as the effigy of an “us” they incompetently, incoherently loathed…

IS not the end of civilization. Black people resting from these hater games with sick people just might be.

They wanted to hate right along with the skinheads.

So they did.

Still do, even watching their people be loaded up for TV ratings onto military planes.

It’s the quiet quitting.

It’s all the non-92% trying to join in on the rest of the 92% as a new costume for them expecting Black women to pick up their psychological slack.

It’s watching the cognitive dissonance of modern women facing those now in power hate Them as a monolith More than they hate black people, women who have milked the brunt of those rights black people bled for, for generations.


… but it shouldn’t have been anywhere near 1% in the first place.

no bitching or rage here.

… Just fact.


That they ONLY mentioned the price of Beyonce’s house (in comparison to her donation) is not just racism.

It’s also because she earmarked her donation for the historically Black section of Altadena & Pasadena that was decimated in the fire & that we all know was surely otherwise going to be lost in the shuffle when it comes to receiving bona fide assistance.