In mathematics, "delta" (represented by the Greek letter Δ) signifies "change" or "difference" between two quantities; essentially, it indicates how much a variable has changed in value, often used to represent the difference between a final and initial value of a variable.

Let this sink in:

The guys who support lowering the age for child marriage in these states Alongside making victims of child abuse/sexual assault carry the babies of their rapists to term even when it's incest...

want to lock up Librarians as sex offenders because of books they haven't even read.

According to MAGATS & the sick lawmakers wielding them, America was "great" when nasty, weak men could ruin kids without any pushback.

Classic Childfucker psychopathy? Most adults attack and sexually abuse kids due to envy, trying to destroy or consume light. The sexual aspect is a false flag. It’s about seething to be another’s monster because you have nothing else to give.

Pedos have given me berth since book one because grievechronic is not about them.  Many were victims, infected and turned. Most want to keep their enterprises afloat. All deserve to die by the hands of the kids they targeted should those victims choose that, not by my pen.


This guy has been given his greatest role yet:  space and support to fix his fucking head.


God love the underground.

