I'll keep adding Hertz music, but some Structure to our meditation efforts right now can really help too. Pass that previous commune link along to whoever might need it.

These people who’ve never dealt with anything like this mess are about to have the poor man’s experience with this shit × 100.


Because these sadistic insurers see you as a corpse when all your stuff is lost…& they’re fucking incentivized necrophiliacs.

It’s going to possibly be worst for those in LA because there’s still money in their pockets to bleed out. You have to understand the level of psychological support your people are going to need in this shit. Between the insurance companies & the realtors it’s set up to be a bleeding out bloodbath.

I write this today not to freak you out but to shore you up.


Don't be spooked by the relative calm. Use it. I know it feels like anxiety...but for a lot of you that worrying sensation is just your "off-road Inner Guidance System" clicking on. Some of the shit that's about to be necessary you've forgotten the kid you knew how to manage through, or do.

Don't be dismayed...sit with it. Hear it out, whatever it is roaring inside of you. Weigh it. & then make the call.

You are the ONE thing you are in charge of in the end.

AngelBrynner, Sundaze 11.12.25