Doses’ o ewes| games vs. True glories

“Don’t do that! Anything but that! “…
” Stop being a rondo Assed whozeewhutsit! You’re going to ruin everything! ” …
“But I liiiiike ___, I’m gonna give’em a dose of me~ “

THIS made me grin because he sums it up.

I have been called crazy for my full frontalness from jump allatime(it’s my favorite sport🤗)… but the ones who get it have better sex. Guaranteed. If imma be like that anyway why should I behave to the contrary to get you, then bait & switch you?

Then I never really had you, nor the balls to truly come for ya because I showed up and stayed lying to you about who the fuck I was until you got comfy…in my lies~.

But yall swear up and down YALL all are doing it right.