Going with the flow course shift wise once I hit the streets today… led to my dastardly guardian Angel retinue just making their case and effectively coup’ing me all the way back here, from writerhead eternity.
These lovable, louche Lords of the Veiled Angel, covert champions of all the hedonistic, decadent things that get an Angel to temporarily give up their wings to play full out on this rock totally set me up!
And by using the flood up of preternatural true-form whathaveyous triggered by rocking the closest to angelic dress whites this realm has, no less!

There I am in my Marines cloak of cloaks, minding my business on errands, on a groove that’s lowkey been automated …and
… I didn’t see the truck.

I ALWAYS SEE THE TRUCK π-I usually happily smell their… fireworks…lol… fireman pheromones π …#goodissuestohavelol.
But it was because they had pulled around the bend, rugged smoky gentlemen that they are, before pillaging the aisles of the wilds that are Trader Joes during yet another (legendary to those that follow the sport)firefighter grocery savannah stockpiling session. Still suited up, they hunt for supplies for decadent, “self-loving upon each other” feasts they all take turns making or cook together, stripped down after another day saving our stupid lives by risking theirs running into burning buildings as a tenet of the earthly order.
The veldt was emptied of them, quiet when I had charged in…so I ‘d had no clue.
Then suddenly, there he was.
A wayward straggler, a torso above the sea of peoples to my head shoulders higher than them as I searched for the shortest(no pun intended) line.
The #greatwhitebuffalo of allll great white buffaloes.
MY guardian Angels started howling all kinds of hearty approbation as everything they’d been patiently waiting for instinctively popped all the way back online as I looked UP into
the… ‘so elusive he’s f ureaking mythological” 6’5 drop dead Gorgeous, aboriginal American Firefighter.
His jaw dropped open in time to my muttered Motherfuck as the people behind him f ureaking disappeared from existence by either disintegrating or sliding speechless into other lines, leaving him & I a respectful three feet apart, my reawakened sportively human ass grinning both bashfully and cockily up into the face of another actual angel.
It was like he could hear my happily perverse guardians cheering my baseline dormant depravity back up to the surface for what they’ve always seen as good trouble.
The purest double “they do exist!?zoinks*” had in my life, perhaps.
We chatted… like adults π€ππ€, my innerchile and I collectively marveling over how we’d never seen suspense pants that were so long & doing everything in our power not to say That while he bashfully spoke of thoroughly enjoying the official blasphemy of the vision of me wearing the dress black blazer of a Marine as if I’d skinned one myself.
It took biting my tongue for real to stop from saying that I have always wanted a pair of those suspense pants in response π but I did grin and growl “I like Firefighters” looking him straight in the eyes. Like a happy threat.
We parted ways amicably, the cashier looking up at us and after him mystified and blushing herself before turning back to me and murmuring “Hot damn! I like firefighters tooπ.”

I walked away grinning, proud of myself for the measure of decorum that has manifested behaviorably …before yelling
“Lol-No! I’m not dead!Are you not entertained?!”at my raucous, roughhousing spirit kin.
I recognize that love.
I also recognize …it takes ALOT to be able to boldly be a firefighter dude who happens to be Black. In America.
The sheer respect of what that climb had to be on a minimum factored into my propriety.
I hope his firehouse is a good one that he feels truly part of and that he gets all the benefits of that brotherhood that he deserves for having fought to be one of them.
…but got dayum he was fiiiiiiOnnnnne!