more hatefilled, stupid racist backwards people died due to fn negligence during the Drump presidency than Blacks, Indigenous and other people of color, combined.
Across the board.
Y’all wanna start that clock up again?… Go for it.
Because try as they will to say this reproductive handmaids shit is pointed at making bipoc chicks unable to cancel the arrival of offspring we all know whose numbers are freaking them out by them refusing… what they’re refusing.
They’re even targeting your harvested embryos, steps away from wresting ownership of them from you. Like literally making public moves on them to test & gauge your reactions.
Those stupid, old Republicans are after regulation to force the blonds to carry their pristine seed to term… the ones who’ve been passing on their sociopathic press.
Not us.
So…wtf are Y’all gonna do to turn back that tide? Since 66% of your asses voted for this pussy grabbing moron in 2016.
Harsh truth?
9 times outta 10? Black women(as the theoretical monolith this country really wants us to be)…are primed to go Chi-rac more than anything else in 2024 regarding this roe v wade overturned fuckery.

They’ve already been doing it in droves, as thousands of pissed off black men are throwing tantrums regarding on social media. Crying over bitches taking themselves out to dinner & enjoying it whilst suddenly demanding the dudes wanting to be sticking their dicks in them pass literal EQ tests.

All the heart-rending stories coming out regarding septic miscarriages, incestually raped 10year olds being forced to carry to term and psychos trying to have Exes thrown in jail for going to Denver to kill the kids Tads pricked condoms to entrap Becky’s with…are coming from Texas & Ohio. From your sectors.

So… What say you in 2024, after seeing the bullseye these fuckets have painted on Your vahjayjay? Will you survive the trophy wife registry, making a “lesser sister” sit between your legs and push out a kid while you feign birthing pains? Do you really think that’s where you’d fall in this, with all that scrutinizing and pedophilic Lolita-izing?
Are y’all really ready for the Handmaiding?