(keep my hoohah’s names outta yo mouf👋!!)
Which is it?

Ya called me whores and all kinds of homewreckers for years, knowing you were only fucking dudes you actually loathed for access to their bank accounts. Ya been protesting too much tha whole time!
😂then yer tits got in a twist over hearing about the audacity of the celibacy! Fucking nun who “actually believes in God hmph!”
(When the two are mutually exclusive truths btw, but that’s a whole nother…)
Enough already! I am done!
…this is as sweet as the lips gone get on this one and yall better never come twds me with this mess again.
Face it! You’ve been duped! ALL OF YOU.
Maybe you need to …take some time off & instead of casting nonsense my way deal with why the only men in your life dealing with you without you sucking their dicks for your entire adult life are friends of the ones ya have been such a bad lay to They want none of you.
Get yer filthy panties (that you let that dude you hate shove in your mouth to shut you the fuck up so he could imagine who he Really wanted to fuck whilst making due with your transactional, listlessly pantomiming whatever after swearing up & down she likes it, “actually thinks she’s getting away with it” ass in silence) out of a bunch…
… You’ve been playing musical uti chairs with your hymen tha whole time & you Clearly haven’t enjoyed it. How many toys you gotta bring in before anything truly good goes down in the playhouse?
“Oh, it’s just bacterial vaginitis ~”
tha bitches
no, bitch…yer hoohahh is Furious with you because You literally fucking Hate that guy & all your shit is hitched to him.
&if he’s breaking out it’s because his biome knows you loathe him. But that’s a whole nother post-
I mean come the fuck on. Imagine dogging a Virgo for being indecipherable & sfumato-y on the Virgin/Whore archetype when that’s literally the top of the list definition for that sign, as much as lions are for Leo’s.
Imagine spreading shit about chicks being sluts when you’ve given every “longtermer” you’ve trapped as basically just a Slot to a different assortment of shit to go to the doctor for.
BUT noooo~ carry on with your “oh, she’s a square Nun! I mean a prostitute bitch!”
…them bitches, again. Indecisive in their slander.
As you nervously are Eyeing your friend who you know knows I’m neither, trying to gauge what his deal is & WHAT he sees in me.
…instead of pausing to get your pH right so you’re not afflicting him all over again since you Still refuse to wash your hands or your fucking toys.
At least all fucked in the head women like you givers can finally be holistically tick-bathed off these dudes these days.
Oh! Ssshhh! I forgot! Yall don’t want them to know that shit.
Better bitch quieter…keep it up & dude is gonna stumble into the math that proves you knew you were sick & infected him on purpose, all your protesting to the contrary aside.
…yall cunts are more terrified by these guys looking at Lenny’s crazy ass & being inspired to stave off yalls asses….than pissed at the pathetic old heads who brainwashed yall dumb asses into defining trafficking as love for your damned selves. Yall got duped. Even if it was by your own fucking fathers.
No, not because it doesn’t “work.”
Ya fucking moron[nope! No sweeter!done! Lol]
Because you’re fucking miserable because of following this societal shit to the letter &only get mad when you see someone happy who isn’t doing what you’re forcing yourself to do.
…snap out of it! Damn! &ya brought Roe v Wade being overturned on yourselves. Whole nother post!
But either way, back offa me.
Because I’ll cure a mofo just to spite your circling ass if you don’t fn chill.
That 21st century sacred harlots stique don’t stop.
Take your paycheck & fuck off until you see a purse you want & hafta playact some more.
or~give both sets of lips a break & figure out what’s really fucking wrong with you .
Because it’s so made you dumb enough to come for me on this, of all things.
These motherfuckers done told you to leave me the Fuck alone, trying to help your Dumb ass.