Fuck crowd size, the real focus should be on Trump & the repackaging of vile Blood Libel dog whistling for the 21st century.

For starters…Trump just laid out on national television how HIS rallies have been filled for years.

Ask the wife of SCOTUS Clarence Thomas….who likes to pay for buses to pack treasonous events with dumb bodies.

That’s why Harris was laughing out loud at him going there. It’s like the worst-kept secret because they often put the repeat characters up close to camera, like comfort animals for the racist fucks watching FOX for some semblance of things still being “racistly Okay,” in the guise of brandishing good ole uncle toms who suck up their slave status in those crowds for an extra’s day rate, smiling blandly into the screen at them as second class citizen-ish as they can.

That being said, the whole “immigrants eating dogs and cats” is one of the most traditional racist white person dog whistles there is.

When I was coming up it used to be lobbed primarily at Asians as smear campaigns, usually targeting those who became successful with their restaurants in ways that allowed them to move closer to painfully whitewashed communities than the racists would’ve liked.

I take that back.

I wish I could genuinely say “used to.” The following occurred in Fresno this spring:

January 07, 2024 3:09 AM By Associated Press

To see Trump [them] trying to repackage the racist “Dog Eater” slander to point at Haitian refugees-

many Who’ve had to leave Haiti due to the carnage left behind by decades of fucked up shit spearheaded BY nefarious forces based stateside[often operating under the altruistic guise of charitable NGOs]-

(( Go read for yourself: )

isn’t just despicable.

It’s par for the course, a typical line of attack that circulates in the communities of those he runs with, a mark of his pack.

When the precursors of Hitler’s goons wanted to ruin Jewish communities doing a little bit too well after being pretty much ostracized from white communities they used the accusations too, to the extreme. How?

Look up Blood Libel.


The younger generation isn’t fully cognizant of this shit.

I know a few Asian Millenials who had a 50/50 chance of voting for Trump again thanks to what they have heard from the pulpit over the years. & I have racked my mind trying to figure out how to get them to wake up from this “you know better” stupor and could never find a way in to HOW they were on lockdown by things that had more to do with being in community than the faith in black and white on the page. So I let it be. Let it alone. Was like God, you handle this, because I can’t. You know what’s going on in their heads and how to wake them up when it’s time for the nutters to move.

Gotta say… this little pointedly racist, “where have I heard THAT shit before?” traumatic dog whistling turn of events being the snap out of it wake up call that was sorely needed…was NOT expected.

They interchange the slurs and slanders because in the end…

when they hate any of us they have the capacity to hate all of us. Some of you ARE the pets, welcomed into your glass menageries like “family,” already readied for sacrifice.

…you just don’t know it.

If you’ve had the pleasure of not finding that out at close range yet you have been “blessed” so far in one way.

… I just wish you the blessing of true discovery before you arrive at election day.
