Here’s the thing: Getting Biblical? go Amplified.

kid holding usa flag Photo by Big Bear Vacations on

The Amplified Bible is a Literal Equivalent translation that, by using synonyms and definitions, both explains and expands the meaning of words in the text by placing amplification in parentheses, brackets, and after key words.

Lockman Foundation

The message and NIV are watered down to make the traditionalists “feel comfortable” about what it is they are actually reading, New Testament or Old.

But understand…people taking the “word of God” literally?

That’s really only going to apply to churches where they actually read the Bible.

One of the blessings I really think is undervalued in the newer, latter day born again churches, even some of those helmed by the on-air guys you see a lot of on TV is that oftentimes they do ask their congregations or lead their congregations to get into the word themselves. There’s even a phrase for it when you find the right brook:

Study to show yourself approved by the Lord.

It has nothing to DO with anyone else, although folks do be up there flaunting knowing their scriptures lol. If a church is telling you to do that, they’re planting the seed that when it comes down to it, when you get to the end of the game, you’re going to hafta answer to God for your shit. Not becky’s, not trump’s. Yours.

But a LOT of christians have gotten lazy on one side, really leaning in on the whole Pastor as Sheppard format without bringing what God is really saying to them to the mix…and on the other, paranoid as fuck on the extreme side, fearful yet adamant about not facing that their own behavior is what is making them feel that fear.

The whole Revelation Antichrist thing is only one thing.



They are warned that the big dawg is going to deceive mostly them when it makes no sense because everything about him is going to be to spec as opposition to everything they stand for.

To me…If you are out in these streets calling yourself a christian in THESE times, in cahoots with these people …you are doing that from this childish, tantrumming, petulant place of arrogance, thinking you’re going to force the hand of the God who told you in that book he mind gripped all these art heads to write to you on his behalf that you will never know when he’s coming back.

Ya can’t make fetch happen with whomever built this juggernaut of a simulation we all wake up in. From the pulpit or from fn CERN.

But to groan “stop trying to make fetch happen” is a moot point now.


But the sad part is they are trying to force this hand having only read-or gotten – bits and pieces of the storyline that’s laid out. That hand, forced, kills the brunt of THEM off.

The head evangelicals coming from this place to be mindless soldiers in this shit of “if “God” comes back are demonic. Plain & simple. Not stated in fear. Said in awareness.

Their true goal…is shown by the twisted shit it keeps coming out they are up to off in the cut.

Those guys don’t want the God of the Bible to come back.

Because they’d be toast.

Recognize the game.

What they DO want is power over those who refuse to see their head pastors are dogs… because that power can be wielded to get them anything they desire. And for that power to be wielded it must be embraced.

They never have their flocks read the part of Revelation 13 where it says the Antichrist is going to torture those who say they believe in GOD. Because they want to helm that torture and deprivation and say it cometh from on high, possibly.

There’s no way you can read thirteen and think …what these folks have been willingly brainwashed into believing.

There’s no real christian that can vote for Trump as the standard bearer for “christian values” without it glaringly being an ironic truth about what their spiritual lives are really suffering from in private.

There’s no way you can really read revelation and not get that… with Palestine being a, if not the last true literal, verifiable ChRISTIAN STRONGHOLD IN THE MIDDLE EAST… these evangelical congregations “siding with Israel behaving like it’s payback time” on paper and in protest [playing a card picked out of the revelation deck that their pastors have told them they can fuck with]… have no fucking idea what the fuck they’re doing. These same christian nationalists…would lose their shit when the Black American and Native American populations up and decide to do the exact same thing payback mode-wise due to the scar tissue of slavery.

They give you Flouride Face when you ask them about Palestinian Christians being wholesale slaughtered.

When you ask them about the Sudanese Christians pinned in, the Ethiopian region that has its actual christians pinned in.

Why? Because, like the mouthpiece of their actual God who was literally designed to Devour them…They attack and attack, they foment at the mouth, bragging about who they’ll kill as christian nationalists… while trying to toss the victim card every chance they get over the most menial things, even WHILST doing demonic shit.

I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again. The blood of the 1,161,614 people who died during that pandemic were sacrificed on both sides of the charge. By him and whomever has him on a leash to play this part.

But~ It lined up with what the Antichrist is supposed to do, part-wise. If you’re going by the book. As a blueprint.

I know the book.

But I am not going by it.

Their targets don’t even know they’re in a barrel to be shot at. For spectacle.

Just like Saturday.

That’s why all those folks up on the platform didn’t even flinch as the bullets supposedly whizzed past.

They were sure they were safe in the stands.

If it was real, there is NO way they would’ve been.

This also plays into the sudden proliferation of coliseum ‘fight for your lives as the glory” stories hitting.

From that new tv show that romanticizes those under the thumb of the kind of power that wants to topple the now to build from its rubble. To Coppola’s pending Opus. gotta pay attention to what you getting addicted to those tales is going to prime you for, Just like the Handmaid’s Tale greased the mental tracks for Roe V Wade being overturned, and The Walking Dead made people numb to the opioid epidemic that slaughters millions too.

I’ve stopped bemoaning those not paying attention.

Because I get that, at first glance, after being coddled or numb so long, it all looks like a nightmare.

But they have the power to try to foist these fucked up tales upon us because in our collective passivity, we’ve given the reins to them.

And… we’re gonna have to make our peace with the chaos that may come with people waking up, shaking those shackles off, and taking the reins of their own tales, no matter how terrified they may be to do so.

Some are going to have to taste the flesh of the worst before they find the balls to begin groping for better.

Others…like you, if you’re compelled to be here, reading this …are going to get your heads are hearts in order before it’s too late.

orange and white plastic toy

I had an interesting experience yesterday. One I may end up being eternally grateful for down the line. Because here’s the thing: I’ve been “out in the field” throughout this. I was in Petaluma, dairy country below wine when the insurrection hit. I was traveling when the last few sets of elections happened.

& though I am very Glyph on the wall vibrationally, it’s kind of hard to hide me off in the cut.

I was riding through the towns outside of the state capital of California for 6 miles yesterday. Residential areas. republican strongholds. Big Houses and small. Deep pockets.

And I headed out …to check out the last day of an estate sale I’d skimmed while still in Sebastopol that, upon landing here I had waved off.

And you know what? The American flags were out. One Trump 2020 flag. Silent solidarity energy, you know? Down a good three mile stretch in a known stronghold… those accounted for only maybe 6 to 8 houses. When in the very recent past it would’ve been like 20% of them.

But you know what else? When I got To the estate sale lol- like a happy dork in a bike helmet, in this stronghold section of town…it felt back to normal. I mean Normal. Folks were just out…being polite, chatty, sane…kind.

Something huge has shifted. In a better way than many of you have space to imagine. Mark my words.

It’s going to be a weird week. be prepared.

& Fine, I’ll give the dystopian razzle dazzle some you are only here for( perversely) too.

But only because you toked all of this as a preamble.