I Am Telling Yall, The BEST way to break Trump once and for all is…

to not let ANY of his craziness break the News chyron. None of it. For a week.

Have the Chyron speaking TO him lol…

“Nope, nothing to report on Trump…maybe someone should check on him, he sure is quiet~”

…then~ Put a lil bug in his ear that “Nielsen” is tracking all the biggest and best news stories on the daily and feed him false reports of him at number one, then 78, then gone, then 5, then 92- And watch him spin out like that thing at the end of inception lol…

In Three days he’d escalate to 3 attempts against himself a day…because HE feeds off the attention he gets.

In five days he’d try to sacrifice one of his own kids to Moloch himself-

& you can stop him by being like “Sir, turns out Nielsen doesn’t rank news stories…it was…it was a hoax, Sir-”

Eric would be sooo relieved, saved just in time(Tiffany aint coming nowhere NEAR this mess. Marla is like “Nuh uh”)…

Do you understand… how crazy-making it is for a guy like that to… not be able to turn a second “attempt” against his life intended to bolster him in the polls… into the Biggest News of the weekend? His numbers dropped Some More lol.

DO you comprehend how fucking crazy he and all his closest sycophants are going that NOBODY gives a fuck about their narratives?

There are cats twerking on YouTube to trap songs made of him , all eat this kitty lololol-

I STILL say that JD Vance is some kind of stupid Trojan horse, destroying them from within the house with his “Of course I lied, but if that’s what it takes to get you guys to look at us, so be it!” mess.

Trump is fucking the Joker sex doll with the white makeup sloughed off,

Melania’s out here all “why dew eye deee fin my Nooooude mahdohliiing?”

Lindsey Graham’s ass is being outed to his meemaw …

by the stunt queen Trump is letting eat his mushroom even tho it’s making her mouth look like she’s having an allergic reaction{whisper, whisper, whisper-} It was like that BEFORE she started offering her…omg- Umm~

Cloven hoofed- Marjorie is out here fighting for civil rights, screaming “That’s Racist!” whilst sangin kumbayah, mahh lord under her breath to towards Trump,

Megan Kelly posting bikini shots showing her 53 yr old can still twirl –

Mike Johnson is out here bending over backwards with his gimpy ass, yowling “whose Johnson do iii hafta suck to get this thing passed to make Trump feel like he still has sway in the house?!?!”

Alex Jones is losing what’s left of his rabid- squirrel mind …

and Musk quietly now only has 2 million followers [down from like 48mil?] that he had to erase that bomb plot shit from the timelines of after sending it out…

Good times, maaaaan~

But yeah. The bomb threat was a lie too.