It’s all fun & games? Nope. It’s fashion & bogeyman-bashing.|Meanwhile in America.

Curtis Jackson is crazy? No. He’s probably quietly livid…but we’ll get to that soon enough. & you’re right.Technically? On the surface? None of this mess is my business. But I watch it because I came up in all that, New York City designhead-wise. In 95, his… sector…of clubland started to seep into the realm I left behind turn of the century.

My underground AND fashist ‘elders’ used to call’em Banjee Boys. & ordered me not to fuck with ANY of them because they were all secretly gay & thaaat all the…attire …was code for this & that, calling card style. It was damned near a militia. Sunglasses at night in the club was just the ‘tip’ of the iceberg.

The misogynist shit rang so high & loudly from that Popular music sector, even when female artists were taken into the equation, for one simple reason. The parties were so wild for the same reason. & with the right drugs? All repression violently gets peeled off. When you’ve seen it, ya can’t unsee it, so you just accept it. But a more, shall we say “above-ground understanding” of what was truly afoot needs to be had, since we are all having to be day-tripping through the carnage of this in the 21st century.

In NYC, it was an unspoken given that most music executives were either out or closeted middle aged, white gay dudes. It was the equivalent of station one on the train to whitewashing your sexuality for phony puritanical public consumption, a pit stop to get all that shit the culture put On gay guys laundered out of the money so they’d read as successful & acceptable by other capitalist financial sectors. &, after generations of oppressing themselves publicly in order to hit those marks the repression got repugnant.

The real War started with flinging off the humiliating discretion worn by the guys fucking & being fucked by the straight bastions of society, even as AIDS roared. Bastions who took credit for alot of the culture creation that came out of the camp they sexually subjugated. But when vengeance struck, when the retaliatory bloodbath began…it was a strange whisper echoing everywhere.

“It’s our culture anyway. Let’s just… Take it.”

The black (and latino) gay guys had two waves in this war.

One broke hard on the shores of 90s fashion in this most earnest manner, like immigrants intent on working hard & good to make an unbridled go at the American Dream. And the other wave of the onslaught took over the A&R divisions of the top record companies in the mid to late 90s nyc.

They pumped their style into popular culture from every direction.They spoke the same language so, like the Navajo code jammers, communications between the two flanks was damn near telepathic.

And as an Othered kid running through the canyons of nyc alongside hordes of them…it was fucking fashistly masterful to watch.

Fashist-Anthropologically, it’s been bizarrely enjoyable watching all those banjee boy…flourishes impact male peacock culture for 30 yrs, with the masses having no comprehension where most of that “stique” came from, or the cues they were sending out.

In fashion, Most ‘stique’ starts as stigma & stigmata.


Clothing is often an expensive expression of unconscious allegiance entertwined with entertaining choices.

& as it often is with uniforms, often what you’re drawn to regalia-wise sets you on a road to participation &/or perdition.

You get them With the gear? You can get’em in the gear.

Think the ending of Animal Farm. The Pigs have been wearing the clothes of the humans they overtook for so long and so well that you couldn’t tell the new monsters in the tale apart from the former terrorizers. And what you were looking in on was them deciding to work together equitably to consume the prey.


If you get everybody dragging THEIR GEAR down low like a down-low gay “rapper,” fresh from prison… those men who were often once ( or often recently, in regards to the prison heads)brutalized boys…are protected in the pack.

From a head place, it’s weirdly cool psychological stuff, mammalian herd mentality stuff buoyed by the cunning of the terrified reptilian brain sector.

And this is equal opportunity psychology.

A FEMALE variant/ expression of all that was Madonna’s like a virgin season. She dressed like a whore, squealing like a virgin as she writhed on the floor…& soon had an Army of 7 to 10 year old kids who were the offspring of those shrieking that she Was a whore grappling with those same parents for lace petticoats & fishnet shit until they shut the fuck up.

The once perpetual victim of the cultural colonizer one ups the Bastion’s echelon by becoming the norm it was once subjugated by…a new norm that seduces the progeny of the Bastion & muddies the waters so there is barely any topical or psychological difference. It’s a one-upping that occurs time and time again, 1st world to the 4th.

in other words:

Fucking FLAWLESS Fashist genius.

But why now?

So much of this entire situation is quasi-misdirection. THE OLD REALITY:

Gossiping men don’t vote.

Misogynistic men seeing one of their enabled own flapping in the wind… don’t vote.

THE MACHINE, machining, as told to the daughter of a machinist.

That’s the logic.

Their hatred of Women will be exacerbated by seeing all the surging forth of women relaying horrific stories that sound just like the shit alot of these dudes got up to in their “youth” in their own circles of influence & they’ll be in a panic by November 5th. If they vote at all, they’re going to be voting “fuck that bitch!” without any comprehension of where the panic their vitriolic interpretation of her presence on the ballot is truly coming from.

“They’ll get all “I’m voting for the rapey dude that’ll helm a world I won’t be prosecuted for my literal shit in! We can NEVER let him have to pay for his crimes! He has to be immune!”

Without even realizing that THAT is what they’re truly voting for in an unconscious sense, a world where they can still seemingly continue to run amok, as toxically as they fucking want to.

You have to understand that for some men…that woefully accepted and unspoken upon toxicity is the only payoff they get performing as a man in this culture. everything of actual merit has been stripped away, is kept away from them at every turn …by other men. Still.

Instead of just “White men will have you hold their coat as you’re robbing 85% of them as long as you give them someone to see as less than that they can viciously rule over in the absence of all the things the thief has stolen from them,” It’s toxic men just need a target , that way they won’t look at the trauma they had to swallow that started the toxicity in them in the first place and process who that trauma came from. It’s that LBJ quote being applicable in every shadowy situation possible.

Game theory-wise? Itsa good weapon. Used against an “us” as cloudy as the “they” usually referred to in things like these.

…The problem(s) here?

1)Everybody knew Sean was gay unless they decided Not to know. It was Obvious. & there’s nothing technically demeaning In the fact that it was obvious.

2) Dude was drugging & violating the men too dumb to know …who were just blindly following the feathers of the regalia they’d been fed since childhood by the telly.

The REAL reason you hear Any low grumble of “maaaan, fuck that guy!” coming from the Black urban sectors that are usually unconsciously enabling the worst of the worst within the community at all …is because dude was Doing to dudes… one of the GREATEST FEARS That black dudes came up in fear having done to them.

There was Grimm’s fairytales…& then were GRIM AND GRIMey-assed…Fairy tales of a whole ‘nother caliber that circulated ’round the hood coming up.

The homophobia IN the black community is deeply rooted in burly Male dudes waking up & finding out THEY have had their whathaveyous handled sans request or permission by some guy & then feeling turned out due to the prostate orgasms, ruining them for women for life. & often times, pastoral care on the far side of any assaults just led to the nefarious rabbit hole all that often becomes in the same community.

Diddy been doing it As the epitome of the black bogeyman we’ve all heard about since childhood in the Black community.

He’s been openly behaving like the spectre of wanton sexual assault the LGBTQ+ community has been painstakingly trying to blot out of the collective consciousness as a lie for decades.

But Diddy Decided to embrace this trope… a Loooong tiiiime ago.

That is why this week’s wave of tales from that crypt are featuring all these millennial dudes talking about how they were about to box with him over shit publicly, him sliding into Brother Love mode, hugging it out and INVITING THEM TO HIS AFTERPARTY , ON F UREAKING CAMERA.

& Noooow thaaat we all(officially) know what was Up AT those AFTERPARTies…motherfuckers are shuddering retelling the shit. Realizing how close to perdition[and penetration] they truly were.

Because That’s the equivalent of Freddy fn Kruger in the secular black community I came up in.

“WAIT- Not only is that shit True,

one of our held most high was helming it?


THA FUCK??Maaan, fuck that guy!

I saw one guy talk about him when he went all out in that Joker costume…and it got heated with some guy that wouldn’t back down. Folks in the know there were like “Hey dude, chiiiillll~ that’s Diddy-!” spooked. Because they knew. But dude had no clue and wouldn’t back down. I wonder if he Went to the party and is deathly silent now because he did.

…wHen the guy victims start coming up…the real healing is going to begin.

Some of y’all are like “then it is never gonna begin… lol” but there’s a financial incentive now, so you never know.


Some big black man is gonna rape you indiscriminately & break you

pejoratively echoes through all camps and creeds in this country. It even occasionally slips through the lips of well-known actors at times of crisis. On camera. But it began… & is still held as a primary tenet…where all this fucked shit keeps returning to.

There is a scant historical record of Black men raping other black men, rendering them useless. Outside of prison & war, usually pointed towards violating boys to turn them into brainwashed foot soldiers in African wars backed by western countries for the continuation of chaos[ whole nother post]. We won’t do the deep dive that all this really IS a war right now, either. That’s a different dissertation.

There IS, however, a historical record rife with White men viciously and publicly Buck Breaking their Male slaves to render them psychologically useless to their communities.

There are Black gay men who only fuck white men keyed into all the passed down psychopathy of that more than anything else. And… there are white men today boldly & blindly operating on the infected splinter of all that shit who have no idea that their fetish is rooted in the passed down mitochondrial fluid of a great grandmother who watched with disdain their great grandfather experience more pleasure raping black male slaves/prisoners of war than he’d ever shown in her bed. There are even white folks whose families still brag about having eaten the giant genitals of the lynched black men they punished for existing near their own communities to this day.

The fixation on big black dick that Diddy shopped for sex according to is still on display, even in the NFL as recently as THIS week.

…go watch it on YouTube. You can’t blame the moos for monetizing it.

What the fuck does all that hafta do with Curtis Jackson? Lolol-

Nothing, besides motherfucker been telling the very ones screaming “oh no! Not diddy!?” For two decades.


On the surface, yeah.

But a deeper look into shit… makes it all the more macabre.

Diddy was twisted enough to honeypot 50… with a chick 50 didn’t know…was payrolled that… he now has a child with.

Comprehend that. There’s a kid in all this.

And seeing how fucked in the head Diddy is, seeing what he allegedly did to Al B. Sure’s son embroiling him in this mess, knowing about Usher’s tweenaged hospital visit, his adopting the son of the right hand guy he allegedly offed & all the footage even I can’t bleach out of my eyes of what they did to a drugged up Young, pliant Bieber… The EASY repeat of any of that psychopathy even Possibly being in the cards …by the guy still surrounded by the people who’ve been looking away from kids getting harmed in this shit the whole time…towards the son of Mr. Jackson theoretically down the line~

Even the possibility of the “… hmmm~?” on Sean’s behalf would justify Fiddy turning the bones of everything Sean Does give a fuck about to fucking dust while said bones are still in the filthy meatsacs those loved things reside in.

Which, in this case …is solely his public persona.

We all saw it. He gave up his his mom’s house, his other houses, everybody’s passports- trying to get bail. Like we don’t know about the clone [lol]. Judge is refusing to be Lindsey Lohan’d like a mug. No p Diddy- parent trapping is gonna be allowed in this shit.

Sean Puffy Combs having to sit In jail and only deal with how this documentary impacts those who SEE it… since he wont’ be able to…will be so excruciatingly exacerbating he probably will give up the ghost the week it hits #1 one on Netflix.

I feel Diddy’d be fine With the Tiger King treatment. He & nobody but him created and crafted This crazy assed villain arc.

… but the idea thaaat~ the hunky cerebral dude who refused to let him take him shopping like a bitch… thaaat pissed him off so grandly that tha nigga tried to Machiavelli the fuck out and go generational in accessing the spunky dna that rejected his advances as his petty vengeance against him for being rebuffed … is who is gonna make alllll that bank offa his ass?

That’s gonna kill him.

Jackson is always on his game anyways…but he needs to look alive.

Because there’s a whole bunch of folks that look nothing like Diddy who are tucked into this and that cleft…that may be revealing themselves on his merry way to producing this shit, trying to fuck it up. More than half the CEOs that stepped down when he got arrested are in the camp I mentioned at the top of this. Who knows where they’re making their executive monies now but God…and the Diddler?

We’re about to see how far this dude’s reach is from behind bars, I think.

& you can say “Oh, it’s fine! It’s Netflix.”… But the Prince 10 hour documentary is languishing at Netflix as you read right now because after getting all the footage… Netflix fired the person who’d been put in place to champion it in house. Effectively blocking it. An exorbitantly expensive catch & kill move that could be pinned on either side of the Prince debacle…but probably has more to do with the brand he pissed off most whilst alive.

That they’re even talking about it -NBC, OF ALL OUTLETS- so quickly…is suspicious. Game Theory-wise. & Jackson has all that stuff he’s erecting in Lousiana. It’s usually not until black guys get in that “doing their own channel” head that…shit starts getting…weird.

NONE of this shit is fun & games.

But that it all is connected to the territorial shit that had God get me the fuck outta fashion when God did…issa trip.

I remember my stomach dropping seeing certain folks I give a fuck about swimming in those now revealed to be filthy waters.

But I also remember seeing the recognition flinch into them and watching them hot foot the fuck outta there.

Hopefully before it was too late to be implicated in all this shit coming to the forefront now.

I am praying for all of them. Including Sean. The prayers differ, per peacock. Of course. But this is all generational, to me. All that oppression and repression and both expressed and internalized misogyny…brought us here today.