Why am I willing to honestly give it a listen, even knowing Joe Rogan is probably going to softball the fuck outta him sympathetically?
- Because it is going to be a masterclass on the current psychological state of what these dudes think really matters(it better not just be old timey big dick, “I know everything because I’m a man” posturing) and what they’re holding onto & fixating on in lieu of facing the reality of life in the 21st century. & bluntly said- we gotta know which drug it REALLY is before Rehab. Methadone ain’t go do shit to a cokehead.
2.Because regardless of HOW genteel and comforting this interview between two turn of the century unReality TV hosts hits those MAGAbros feverishly tuned in…
…the FACT that Joe Rogan knew this motherfucker had a rally in a fn battleground state that he Needs to win …and JRE casually coaxed him… into blowing off the chunk of his cult he NEEDS to turn out in cold-assed, October night Michigan by Three hours…
Then to arrive, say “I had more important things to do~”& schlump around the stage to the UNDERTAKER’S THEME SONG for almost ten minutes, have them play Ave Maria AGAIN when someone passes out so he can sway…only to be like “Fuck Detroit!”?
IT…is a safe pulpit for him. & he’s preaching to the choir. But…spidey senses are like “preaching To the choir”shouldn’t make you go & willfully take a dump on the part of your congregation in charge of the building fund. Those are the mofos literally raising the roof. For YOU.
Could be some glorious ninja-assed mindfuckery to make him think he no longer needs them hit its target & only needs to doddering around for photo ops.
But it’ll showcase what is going on in heads across the board. You should be curious. Because what’s IN that head wants to run the country in to the ground again.
Giving Rogan’s wily lil UFC ass the “Theseus, prove me Right!” benefit of strategic doubt. But if he didn’t bring up that Hilter’s generals shit & say “wtf was that, man?”
… He’s a fn pussy for bowing down in a whole nother kind of “octogenarian octagon” to kiss the orange rindy sphincter “ring”.