Let’s talk about sex, baby.

leather cat mask Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels.com

Y’all have no idea how many motherfuckers…can corroborate this tale. But i do 🤗.

I am Not a competitive person. Y’all know this. But if you know me, you know i Love men. LOVE men.

This has been a sport lol.

The Fails have been resplendent!

Spectacular! Traumatic to some who’d been snarking about my ass being a saint because y’all nosy motherfuckers are ridiculous. ..

Never one to fall of the horse, zee wagon had to be ridden to death until tha horses collapsed from exhaustion and all evidence had to be burned lol.

& there’s a guy … who knows it’s been a

got dammit!! Back to the start!Fuck!”

Glory Sport with my normally defiantly anti-athletic ass for near decades. Because I’ve told on myself to him, kicking my own ass, trying to make it to finishes that only make sense with me & God.

But it’s like with smoking. Those who count the days they haven’t smoked will never win.

&weirdly, with this one, when others start angrily clacking abacusii running your numbers, you have won. In a way.

If you had ANY idea what consciously not schtupping does to you…had any idea the philosophers stone dripping into reservoirs that aint got fuck to do with anyone else…

& I was always happily orgasmic but ~ I’m telling you… the chemicals of everything…shifts…

it’s like nothing Ever known prior to it. That’s why mofos ageing backwards, glowing and shit.

Lenny is Not alone. He’s smoking some cosmic ish , he’s on that piezoelectric , pineal drip…& there’s a whole bunch in GenX splashing round in this. Equal to the pods of swingers & sex dungeoners. & that’s what’s great about us. To each, their own for real.

Women stumbling into this & starting to take themselves on dates & shiiiiiit is rooted in the tip of the iceberg of this.

if I don’t count my pyrotechnics or my pyromaniac moments of surrender…like I –

(lets get to the meat of it~)

I got good at making it to seeing 3½yrs on the horizon & getting cocky…lolol… only for God or the devil to send in irrefutable insanity

tattooed man putting on shirt
Photo by Liudmyla Shalimova on Pexels.com

to …ummmm, Ruin my stats!

…& then murmur “ya done? Yeah, cocky ass! Ought ta be shamed! Shameless! Stop smiling! Lol Get back in line! Back of the line~”

guardian angels fishing me out after throwing me in the fn fire of pheromones for being arrogant…

But if you start paying attention …to your body & your soul…Not doing it… it’s wild. You start morphing into … who you truly are.

The last time I had sex was May 25th. pure Italian. 32. 6’2. Deck was stacked. Lolol- but what was different is…we were coworkers. & we were like two giants kicking through midgety nonsense , happily to do our shit, just elbowing it out the way. Young Scythian. & all the leetle latin men looked up to him like Hercules. But others kept coming for him out of weird jealousy. He got laid… because we’d had a meeting-& we were truly purely platonic, mind you. Just Scythian Amazon prime vibes- & they swarmed him over bullshit & he just Broke. Scared them. Exploded, snarling at all of them “I don’t fuck with anybody here but Her(slashed twds me across the table)so don’t fucking say shiiiiiit else to me about ANY-” whole team was clutching pearls & nuts.

But I did it like a guy. & thaaaaat clashed with his routine lol & chaos ensued lolol. Lol- & meanwhile I was being pelted with “You?? Sentimentality? Ha! Back of the line!”

I broke my fucking up at thaaaaat 3½yr mark by tamely sexing a Scythian liiiiike I was saying goodbye to the artform lol. Because I was fn proud of him. For standing up. He couldn’t not be who he actually was beside me. Even platonically. That’s what…it does. Real ones. Proximity. I knew he was going to fail because he reallllllly liked people, liked being liked & he was young. That burns off.

But I took that restart. Got fired from the job. Right after the chaos of “she’s not being a girl aboutthis at all-burn her!ahhh!” mess.Totally sexist lol- Lil Italian meatballs that I’d never fuck were livid lol- But i would’ve never ended up in Joshua Tree on my first art residency out here if it would’ve gone down any other way.

& I duly reported in to my accountables guy afterwards for the last time.

the above pulled out all the guns for the next few years, everywhere AOLAB took me. One dark Scythian dude who Knew he was the epitome of… me ruling iin hell as Lucifer itself if i fucked him… was so insanely upset I was like hell no that he punched holes through two cabins & damn near set a farm on fire all while I was sleeping peacefully in my own-

There’s been shenanigans- these fucking millennials are insane & petulant with their doe eyes & their fucking druggy wannabe roofy ways- with wasted down versions of Our generations drugs(tha noive!)… the stupidity jumped off from my Not happily fucking has been more ridiculous than the escapades when I was.

Men are crazy. God love’em.

But if you would’ve told me a guardian angels refrain in my life was gonna be “welp… don’t kill’em… just imagine if ya Had fucked him lol~” I would’ve punched you in the face for being foolish.

It’s been a trip.

So here are your latest numbers: May 25th, 2016. 8 years🙃😉😘.

Not bad for a virgin/whore virgo with horny wood fuck like rabbit whathaveyous.

December 24th, 2012 before that.

He’s got me by a year.

KamaSutra of Celibacy, by AngelBrynner, coming in 2025 ftom Kokopellima Press.