No longer the Highest High: Perception & the throughline from CBD to the Jenny Slates of 2025.

woman seated on a shell Photo by Ferdinand Studio on

This medicine ain’t for everybody, but…

It’s all honest outrage, alright…

Just over the “seductive standard” patriarchy has sold these women since birth as their greatest weapon against every nonwaspy dude they’d passive-aggressively manipulate, rein in & reign over(instead of via their intellect, decency or whatever) …being utterly routed in the 21st century.

Wait until it registers that all that Jenny “redefining sexual harassment” Slate mess is… nothing but a low grade,watered down(yet still strychnine), latter day variant of the Carolyn Bryant Donham complex.

Don’t believe me? Soon as these chicks Carolyning started getting called out…

Baldoni suddenly had high end agents slurring his Italian roots…almost as if they never stopped looking at Italians as niggers even though they told them they did.

Slate’s ass saw the (Black) head of Wayfarer’s respect & professional offer to help her in light of his black ass’s faithfulness to his dropdead gorgeous bipoc wife Natasha Hugger ...& framed being able to unsee thaaat… honoring motherhood like I honor the mother of my children approach to life…as offensive.

Read Lively’s Baldoni. The ones where he ALWAYS brought up his wife in guarded response to her sireniZing.

Perhaps …It’s all rooted in the surgeries , the glamour… no longer shrouding the truth of souls.

Social Media spread Prosopometamorphopsia. Big time.

More People can see the demons now. Plastic Surgery aint cloaking shit like it used to.

& Reynolds officially knows beyond a shadow of a doubt she would’ve ridden ole Baldoni Bologna liiike tha wind …if he’d been into it.

Which is why he’s probably goading her into keeping it going… like a heartbroken OPP.

& instead of trying to trigger their protectors to burn down a town or village… this time the conniving, lying, outclassed & rejected chicks of the perennial plantation persuasioninstead targeted the cottage industry that is Wayfarer productions. They wanted a highway built through it.

Only reason those boys aren’t lynched, their belongings burned to the ground, only reason their company has not been drowned &turned into a lake…is their Ba’hai faith, thaaat billionaire that’s of it…and thaaat EVERYBODY is tired of this tired wack women mess.

Social media allowed everyone with eyes to see.. to do so.

Watch very carefully who charges in to defend this mess the later it gets…and who pointedly doesn’t. Understand the ugliness truly at stake. They aren’t the only whack women “up there” outright lying on folks. Heck, some have recently been believed to the point of the death of innocents.

They’re even tellingly trying to call chicks side-eyeing Lively “Trump Supporters” to drown them out.

This is going to Amber Heard 3.0 the fuck out before it’s done. More people have a stake in this than it seems on the surface.

The standard To lie on those they were raised to see as less than falls, it all falls.

(Legacy media is already trying to drive home the beauty reset keyed to this, but that’s a whole nother post.)

So in the End, with Us…

like a lot of things lately…

it’s coming down to the masses having a choice:

  • to be triggered along racial faultlines of yore…or
  • discerning terrible people throwing temper tantrums when they try the conniving shit their antecedents swore would always work, livid when it doesn’t anymore.