IT DOESN’T MEAN THOSE COMPANIES ARE GOING TO BE ANY LESS OF A CESSPOOL for Racist ideologies & intentions & it isn’t just in the professional, traditional sectors. The creative & liberal sectors were in lock-step with the outwardly racist conservative companies.
So many of those post- George Floyd positions dried up once the subsidies for salaries ran out. It was a silent “We will Not pay you people those salaries with our (white) money” flood of lay-offs in Los Angeles, with many writers who’d gotten into rooms and production folk who’d thought they’d entered the equitable hierarchy their peers were fiscally guaranteed upon hitting certain levels sent back to go as if the 2 years hadn’t even happened, resume-wise. They were told the work dried up. & in a sense it did. But alot of other senses were calling those shots.

If you’re dealing with one CALLING VP KAMALA HARRIS-whose tangible record outpaces every numbnut talking mess about her-A DEI Hire… They’re showing you that you’re dealing with a person without merit…who probably got gladhanded to their position way back & doesn’t want to see bona fides they can’t rig against skin colors they don’t want to see in the canteen be necessary IN 2024. Because they recognize they’d be rendered obsolete if the USA ever truly lived up to what it purports to stand for.
BIDEN was the First VP that came To the gig with real service Bona Fides.
She’s the 2nd. Go ahead. Compare her pregaming “for the people” to what every VP before her was about beforehand. Compare her accomplishments to theirs.
& if you still have ought after she is shown as the best for the gig produced by this country in eons… stay the fuck away from me. Because you will not enjoy the me you get.
HALF OF CONGRESS WOULD BE EMPTIED OUT IF THEY’D BEEN GOING BY ACTUAL merit , by ways in which they tangibly benefited the communities they came to Capitol Hill from.
If the American people look at Harris’s actual record and go “yeah! Wait a minute! It makes sense to have someone who is willing to truly be of service like that helming the ship-” all these idiots in congress are TOAST & will go the way of the Dodo birds they are.
JD Vance is like a junior senator.
His record couldn’t even wipe shit off KaMala’s shoe.
But that boy sure does have an unmerited, utterly inflated view of his record, doesn’t he?
Wonder where did he get that from?

There’s a reason people like Elon Musk keep pounding all the debunked racist “science” of yesteryear that “proves” they’re the best, at the top of the pyramid.
Because they’re looking around at a world that has outpaced everything that assured them they were tha bomb. That pyramid they were atop turned out to be a dung heap.
….They’re running old metrics that were lies in the first place, spouted to soothe the fears of their ancestors who were freaking out in their quest For dominion whenever they ran into civilizations of people of color on this planet who were living in clean sanitary cities as opposed to their filthy Londons.

They called us black devils everywhere they found us living peacefully, bathing like we had some sense, or proof we’d outpaced them in the past.

A different DEI…Devils… destroyed simply for being civilized…in the faces of the ones touting their “civilization ” all over the globe.
Their frailty on this subject matter separates the wheat from the chaff when it comes to them. & they can only fake equanimity for so long.
I’ve already been witness to a few liberals popping up in Sacramento.
& I am too genX to be demoralized by it.
She was losing a debate where she was trying to manipulate my gusts thrown behind her stance, never once asking what my stance was…& when she thought she was failing she racistly slung Slavery at me as something that’d never be erased.
I brushed it off & continued reading her for filth where she’d been caught trying to …ironically enough, utilize the new fangled variant of enslavement to their current causes upon offering a feigned concern with “us.”
The newsflash that MANY BLACK AMERICANS SEE SLAVERY AS PROOF OF THE SLAVER’S INHUMANITY & DEGRADATION… something that those who enslaved should be 100x more ashamed of having helmed than Any ancestors who suffered through their POW camps…is a trip to watch register to a fuck.
But the fireworks that come with pointing out “the real reason you’re scared of Trump is because Black people are NOT willing to be your argument strawman anymore because we see you don’t give a fuck either” …I will forever cherish.
She wrapped with rebooting from additional forehead pops, started spouting what was wrong about Laughing DEI Kamala (as a liberal democrat, proudly)…and couldn’t list one thing she’d known about either having actually done, career-wise. She gagged when we went down the list & compared her achievements to the whiteboys before Biden. Yet all she does is bitch & moan about Trumpers. & prides herself on being the democratic standard bearer.
All I can say is…we truly better hope not.
BUT~… JUST BE …prepared…for all outcomes. In November. Because some of these motherfuckers are going to be sorely “conflicted.”
this DEI slur energy isn’t new.
was one the two Black girls admitted into the fashion department at DAAP. They’d say I got in on Affirmative Action, that her & I took slots away from 2 white girls. The racists would’ve. In Cincinnati. Loudly.
They would Not say… that our test scores & extra-curricular slates outpaced Everybody in the department & that half that class of chicks scored half our scores and still got in. It was a lowkey Legacy school.So if you were a fucking idiot but your mom graduated you got a party school slot. If it were all done on merit then the fashion division wouldn’t have been as white as it was then, let alone now.
They were mad we were there & they could have gotten sued because we fucking belonged there, per their supposed standards ,more than most of the student body. & we were working at accessibility deficits that have all but been eradicated in the past 20 years.
…the gaslighting is in them acting like they weren’t wilfully keeping us out. That gaslighting can’t as easily stand in 2024.
AFFIRMATIVE ACTION WORKED… just not the way they’d been sold it would, like it’d make a class of folks always insecure about their belonging.
But ….Nope.
The math took over.😘.
Blerds and Tiger moms, thank God.

Him being a talented motherfucker meant nothing when it came to moving the needle in bringing him on. Because he was Black. She Could have hired him on talent. Doing so is the one lie all have agreed on for years. There are supposedly liberal outfits following her same hiring decision rubrics every day. Even in 2024.
That she told the truth…is part of the new day.
They wanted a class of malleable Herschel Walkers…and instead made the way for Barracks and Kamalas. & Glovers.
… & that’s really why these govt fuckers repealed it.
Same reason they took music out of public schools. Then all the arts. Then physical education.
But that’s…a Whole nother post lol.
DEI positions will work carving hunks of systemic racism out of spots only where the companies themselves have to foot the bill as part of regular salaried offerings , in lieu of subsidies.
But make no mistake. The existence of the necessity Of “DEI hires” is not an insult to Black, Latino, Asian, Native or LGBTQ people in this country. It’s the very white people braying it pejoratively that demands the existence of it.
Who’ve called in many favors for folks unquestionably unqualified for jobs as paltry shows of “power” in their circles of influence…whose noses are out of joint over a qualified black person filling that slot instead.