Fucking sad day that Youtubers are being better journalists than trained journalists. But maybe that’s a dawning of a new day (power to the people-wise) that just wasn’t expected.
They just did a real time poll of 20K before & after that moved from 62% behind Biden before the press conference and 72% behind Biden after really watching the entire press conference.
That … there is even a discussion between a carnival Barking bonafide con artist like Trump being better for this country versus Biden- the motherfucker those very fuckers whining about him are living fat off of the work of… is EXACTLY why this country will fail if it listens to the media.
The media is who has kept busy with this bullshit. They Need a job. But the macrocosm move is indicative of the microcosmic miasma we all dealt with in high school from the fucking wannabe tyranny of idiots.
Maybe this is that societal reckoning coming to pass.
…you’ve SEEN Trump is a shitshow. Millions literally died during that fn pandemic solely because he’s a blooming idiot. Millions on His fn Republican voting rosters. He killed rubes in love with him like he hated him… which it’s obvious he does. Trump did that shit like IT was his actual job lol, the first one he was tellingly trying to do right by… wholesale slaughter lol… like the fucking dyed in the wool, blackfacing with orange makeup, NYC con man he is.
Meanwhile, Biden? He’s doing the job. The actual one.
YOU are letting the media sell you the bullshit gossip story that something else matters.
The saddest thing is the only journalist who asked a real question really addressing the reality of what Trump in office would bring to the world, given a 2nd chance…is a dude from Poland.
The rest of these gossipy bitches are acting like they’re covering this for Us magazine or fucking People. They are not serious at all. & they can’t blame Trump for that.

American journalists ought to be ashamed of how they’ve allowed themselves to be diminished, how they to this day discredit themselves via their own actions covering this dumb Trump shit.
This is the state of this media: bitching about a flub over ” VP trump” & running with it instead of ALL BIDEN cogently SAID about foreign policy in the 30 minutes that this shit ran.
Look- Frankly?
TRump may very well be the embodiment of the scourge the evangelicals need to thin their poisoned and poisonous, tainted flocks that the bible None of them actually fully read with any reading comprehension says will end the unfaithful gentiles In christendom. His ineptness led to the vaccine that His people connected to the mark of the beast that in turn killed ⅓ of his own flock.

If anything I am an anarchist. But contrary to popular (stupid) belief, Anarchy is rooted in actual community.
If the only way your side can win is by keeping people dumb [kill the department of education lol, CRT, roll back women’s rights]…& those idiots are at critical mass cheering you on… maybe you need to win so more of your morons can go home early due to your own idiocracy. Maybe 4 more years & opening the road for the next planned biological attack against it’s own people…is just the elbow room maker the world needs.

What it comes down to is this can get dicey real quick. If
Who is John Galt?
Ayn Rand
is where this has to go to wake folks up out of this fairytale LIE that politics is the same as Sunday football where you pick your side & die on that roster without having to dig in…
If it has to go to a place of you all kicking out the fucker literally doing the job to give it back to the idiot slobbing off the actual oligarchy knob at maralago who ran the country into the fn ground… because of showmanship. .. maybe you deserve to die with your carnival Barker at the helm🤷🏾♀️.
BTC is now going in on how the media is not able to meet the moment because they’re incentivized for clickbait now…and he’s saying it like “it is what it is… we gotta deal with what it is-“
IN process poll at the end:

The debate performance turned it into the media packaging this as a rubbernecking a race to the bottom that people can’t look away from.
When it wasn’t before that.
Maybe even IT was bread and circuses drama to get people to care.
I don’t even believe Trump wants it. I believe he’s owned, that there’s a scattering of star tats discreetly on his hamhock…and they’re humiliating him with the threat of making him win again to finally get to drill in Chaco canyon & other national parks. Motherfucker is probably owned.