Amber Rose was never a stupid chick.
Ever, actually. But she’s always been conflicted when it came to her stance and place within the marketed monolith of “black culture” that she pandered to for her shekels, yet was just seen as a race-baiting & self-hating gadfly by.

What you have to understand is the weight of being the literal “when he makes it he’s going to leave your ass for a white girl” postergirl for K-dawg’s storied hatred of all women who looked like his momma(besides his momma)beyond getting them to spend their money supporting him.
Those with eyes saw it then. She didn’t understand he was tellingly talking about her too… until it was too late. & there’s a lot of scar tissue with that.
So her siding with a group aimed at rolling back the rights of all those “darkies” that thought she was the white girl their stoopiiid prince left them for & who then read her for filth for decades (long after he swapped her out too)makes sense.
Super-villain origin story sense…but sense.
But wow…
She is still making up for all that black rapper …

“Tongue” Daddy angrily disowned her ‘creole’ ass over publicly sucking for the ‘gram? Sheesh.

Did she shout him out? …Her pahpaw? I bet she dad, I mean did.
Did they do all the camera shots of DJT & sons grinning lasciviously with…approval…at (🤔lemme guess~)

…her (weirdly slightly more) breathy than usual, ” Mr. President” repackaging?

This isn’t about a check against her owning all the bloodlines in her. Yall know I do that too. Even if yall don’t understand the communal othering onslaught that tends to be a precursor TO those of us who defiantly Do embrace all the races that led to us.

They probably made her life hell as a kid.
Long before the strange comeuppance of being selected as the appropriate ” corporate misogynoir’d beauty standard” by the handlers of a class of dark-skinned & brown skinned, self-hating “poets” who sold their souls to sing shifty and shitty-vibed anthems incessantly into the ears of kids coming up in the cages they themselves escaped (so those kids would remain in the cages as chattel)…she’d been bitten by the beast.
What she may have missed is that the Othering at the root of her shit is EEOC as it gets within the Black community, with a crab in the barrel hair trigger pointing at any head that is out of the “norm” in any way.
… but that’s for another day.

The check is over the fact that if her kid was eating a popsicle around the block from that RNC convention, a good 85% of the fuckers in there would, if surprised, gun that kid down out of fear. &there’s No way she doesn’t know that.
And they’d get away with it because… what were they doing around there looking so menacing with that red, white and blue summer treat?!
…the check is over where she stood, knowing her sons have a bullseye on their backs that none of her motherly ingratiating herself into that bigoted death cult can Ever override.
The check is over the black american sonship shitshow these kids have to navigate through no fault of their own…whilst her ass is up on a dais in the belly of that fucking beast, knowing she’s there as a token, a prop.
& maybe…she doesn’t know better on this one. Maybe the mix is so mixed that… this aspect…eluded her.
But that’s doubtful if she still grew up in the hood section of Philly regardless of who fathered her.
But… what it comes down to is any momma to mixed kids posting up at a cleaned up for the cameras klan rally is fucked up.
Why?? Because of the lethality in their fn literal bylaws that say women like her and offspring like hers will be the first targets of the race war they’ve been fomenting for since they had to start plowing their own fields. For over a hundred years. The traitors & betrayers with the blood they see as tainted by admixture. It’s literally in the fucking old pamphlets.
It’s why, even with my occasionally rabid cynicism I have never understood why a mixed person would so happily roll with bigots, thinking they’d be protected.
They don’t write all the shit down….but that they fucking did. With their whole chest. They’d come for you BEFORE me…on the grounds of fn progenitor admixture treason(!!) yet there your ass is coddled up with them.
Fuck is wrong with me being cool with all until they show otherwise??
No, my friend~ fuck is wrong with yall, when you KNOW you’re rocking with bigots?
Did they take that part out? Seems like something Duke would’ve fought to reflexively keep in.
Yes, we’re grown. & each are entitled to our own opinions. To love who we love & fuck who we fuck.
But…It bothers me.
I never got to be thoughtless on all that. The vetting.
By the nature of my response to the variant of othering that I experienced that always made me sympathize with Amber Rose.
…and even though it took over 25 years of synchronization with united colors of benetton , multi ethnic brethren as militant about loving who the fuck ever as I was for my guard to be casually down, the reeling from the completely out of left field zone that check for me came from when it did… fucked me up for two years in the aftermath of it.
I rued the day of it for a while too. That check.
Until I comprehended it was a blessing.
My blessing was the check to start seeing that way, vetting all the more hit before a kid I brought here woke up having to maneuver it with my ass. The call to vet harder. Ahead of time.
Fuck what they say they align with or look like. Because if I don’t, there’s nothing I could say to that kid for not protecting them via where and amongst whom I had them.
This…is coming out of me towards her….because I know she has at least one black son with a rapper dad.
Regardless of who She is “To” them at that convention.
& I just feel that smart as she IS…if doing this mess puts that boy in harms way she won’t be able to forgive herself.
and I pray she never has to go through what they’d put her through as a mom Ina fucking millisecond.