This is the part of it that often goes over the heads of both the dumb and the bright.
Because choices communicate information.
J. Berger
The befuddled MAGAts truly don’t understand how others have washed their hands of them based on who they voted for, before any of the karma had even arisen keyed to those votes.
They’re coming from a place of “We were fine, just had differing opinions before! It’s just a stupid match. How has this changed “Us”?
But they really do not understand that the choices YOU make communicate information to the entire world about what you are. What you choose to be. & what people can see in those choices they can’t unsee.
So[case in point] if you voted for the trump coalition… even if “your” people around you stop giving you grief about that choice { and the nonsense on a national scale it has led to}…they will never forget that when given a choice…you picked THAT. They may forgive it. They may bury it. But they won’t be able to extricate you from what your choice communicated about you to them, in spite of the world around you.
You voted for wives to lose their voting rights. You voted for women to become second class citizens because you’re fine being one and were as jealous of the women who were living as first class citizens as the men who rued the day women fought back & got their rights in the first place. You voted to oust the very people that give you a semblance of first world existence without any comprehension of anything Back of House across the board. Because you’d been so busy IN that life of yours living a lie that you had no clue what actually ran it.
Me personally? I think it’s for the best. This dying system is built on abuse, victimizing, secrets, lies, gossip and gaslighting. & it needs to die.
The starkness of an environment where people owned their beliefs publicly and privately and accepted the life that comes with that truth instead of living a lie would initially seem harsh, but it’d become refreshing. If what you believe in your heart of hearts would block you from some of the perks lying about who you are give you…maybe it’d get you to really inspect those beliefs from a more honest place within yourself. Maybe that’s the only way to free you from the grips of whatever nonsense has you by the balls.
Maybe you’d find out that what you are”getting” from the lying isn’t even what it is you truly want, that it too is nothing but a stop-gap of sorts.
Band-aid living sucks. Closeted life sucks.
That’s why I can’t stay mad at MAgAs out here openly showing their asses and being loved on by other morons… any more than I could stay mad at a guy I think is hot finally facing that he’s gay and bursting out of the closet, being embraced.
It’s the same instinctive pull. The same desire to live “authentically,” at least as authentically as they know themselves to be. That kind of expression or revelation leads to actual exploration, actually finding out what the fuck is really up with you outside of all these parameters you put in place to exist.
A surreal case in point with that one that has been a constant with my research and reflection keyed to Grievechronic? Watching men who …only after they’ve found space to be loved AS the “gay” men that they once shamefully castigated themselves for being… finally unpack the sexual abuse that happened to them as little boys that warped their whathaveyous on sex, sexuality and shame in the first place.
It’s like “…Okay. It’s okay that I’m gay. Now what?” then the real work begins. Men I ADORED stopped fucking with me when I started going HAM on Grievechronic. Due to what I was unpacking across the board, and what my seeing what I saw was speaking into their stories via osmosis. But time & time again, those guys who knew I knew what’d happened to them… decades down the line…crossed paths with nothing but love, having done the work they needed to do that seeing me do the work I needed to do triggered in them.
Facing down where you got the idea you were gay from came from trauma…is a trip…that many need love around them to truly explore. But lots of dudes embrace this extremist alpha-male white supremacy shit from trauma too.
Vance wasn’t being a cad when he hoped the “normal gay vote” was going to push them over the edge. He was seeing correlations beyond basic misogyny that a lot of dudes would crumble from deep diving.
You can’t convert a closeted MAGAt.
They aren’t going to be ABLE to see your point because they are hiding from themselves as it is. You’re like the fifth ring of fire in their whole purification rite. They just voted themselves into the first.
Long before you… they gotta go face to face with that asshole they idolize[ figuratively, or physically]. Leave them with that shit, in their supposed paradise, eating that shit in peace. Keep your judgements to yourself over their scatological excursions.
That is possibly what this season is.
& Even he…
I can’t unsee Trump talking softly to them at that rally on the 19th, saying TWICE “…I’m only here because we cheated, ya dumb fucks~” It was the tonality. He knew that he was talking to people who’d lobotomized themselves just to be in the same space as him and there was…it was the first time I have ever heard anything akin to TENDERNESS in his voice. Even when he talks about Ivanka it has a tonality of lasciviousness . Go watch the clip yourselves. It couldn’t have been written better by Rod Serling, himself.
That NYC Boy is in Hades surrounded by his pick of the litter, but in this case it’s the literal garbage he selected to be front facing on his regime.
But People all long to be face to face with their God, whatever they’ve positioned as such in their lives, one way or another. It’s in the programming. Even in anger, in rage, swinging at that higher than you spark. Or in derision, doing everything you can do to mock it because you feel disconnected from and mocked by any purported semblances of “god” you see or sense in the world.
Face to face with their God… they are all finding their calcitrant human dads who gave no fucks for them, soul tags they never processed writhing all over every sane thought they try to have as this God they’ve chosen is why they are standing there losing their farms. There’s no one else to blame . But him. No one else did this to them. & he had no reason to. He didn’t even want the job. No matter the love they show him, he’s openly, willfully fucking them over. AGAIN.
…It’s diabolical how deep the daddy issues go in this shit. Said sincerely. Maybe this time they’ll let HIM go.
He encouraged hatred of them. & they got relief from the pressure of holding all that hate in, living like Vincent D’Onofrio in Men In Black two. Feeling like they were moving around in the world in Edgar suits.
But what I always found amusing about that clip was people blot out that long before Edgar’s body got body-snatched by the bug…Edgar was a piece of shit. Edgar comes on the scene in VoiceOver loudly abusing his wife.
That part was blotted out by the shell-shocked woman still soul tagged to the fucker.
Jim Jones killed HIS followers. Remember that. Throughout this FAFO season afoot. Really comprehend what you’re being allowed to witness and why.
Figure out the correlations to whatever the fuck you having going on in you, microcosmically, or macrocosmically. Figuring that shit out is the the only out. And the way out is lined with the relationships that couldn’t stand the truth of where you were called to. Don’t decry them on your way out the door. You picked them for that portion of your journey for a reason. They may fight to keep you ensnared. You keep what you [can] kill.
You just have to decide to stop dying for shit you know you don’t believe in.
The Lies the mind virus feed off of must be eradicated so there is no foothold within each of us for ANY variant of this tale.
What is Trumping around in you, truthfully?
Because viruses don’t die.
They lie dormant if not eradicated.
…and He is just the latest expression of a very old one.