The Craft versus Cages of Light| Meanwhile in America.

woman wearing a green patterned dress writing noughts and crosses with a chalk on a wall Photo by Steveman_shotz on

What a lot of people do not comprehend is that alot of these so-called accolades & big “wins” you get rewarded with by the system As an artist are cages of light.

Especially when you’ve done something fortright & authentic as that artist.

They congrat you & offer you the keys to the cage the system will watch you kill yourself trying to claw out of once you realize it is there.

All money &access you’re raised to hit the ground running pandering for aint good FOR you.

They laid it bare with Kendrick Lamar this season. From a place of arrogant cockiness. & from a place of thinking the masses have been numbed out & dumbed down enough to not catch it.

Kendrick Lamar got the threat of the lawsuits( that were technically pointed at points in the system that Drake Really wanted to give K-Dots win to …instead of the power of the people who anthem’d Not Like Us out…) were ‘for’ him, from God.

Why? Well…in his own way Drake confirmed the system is rigged. From his pov of that rigging he KNOWS OF & HAS BENEFITTED FROM HIS ENTIRE CAREER not being used for him. Drake thought the system was “doing it” because the system usually was doing it on his behalf.

His whole stance was “i know what y’all mofos do because you’ve done it for me~so cut it out you guys!!”

That… was an assist. A gravelly, heavenly one. Preternatural soul agreement level. With Drake’s black blood lol. Drake confirmed & delineated the parameters of the game to be routed, no longer rooted for. In a way no one else could have. Especially in such an un-ignorably loud way.

& it’s canon,btw. God loves to make bullies targeting you help you by their nefarious bullshit when you’re one of his kids trying to be good &not kill people who deserve it here.

The problem was… this time it wasn’t the system. They COULDN’T take credit for Lamar’s win.

That’s why that round of lawsuits got buried in the press.

The system found out its condition was truly terminal this time by running the numbers & seeing they’d Not been involved at all. Their shit had been overridden.

They werent going to publicize thaaat~

So instead… they ‘gave‘ him the Rightfully won Grammys. The accolades.

‘Assigning’ that win he won without them (fake gatekeeping bs moves) got Lamar back on their path, in their territory.

…Which explains Ye.

(… yeah. Y’all thought that was separate, huh? SuperCute.)

The machine stirred Up Kanye’s manchurian candidate ass up to try the system’s old way of sensationalized chaos to drown out the hallmarks of true wins.

“Niggas Love weakassed pimp psychology! Send his “imma designer” rapper black ass out showing his whyte woman’s lips to tha world … like a pimp, to grab the Black man’s attention! You know! “This is what you can still have~still aspire to! This is the goal! Our whyte Women!” It’ll click everything back into play. ”

Meanwhile, Censori literally looks like she’s been run through standing beside that “man.”

Standing there, fur around her ankles, she looked like the epitome of …what fucking with guys warped with what’s on Kanye’s back wreaks on those who allow those demons entry into their vaginal cavities.

She looked like a hollowed out shell of “beauty” she was supposed to epitomize, drained of life. Say what you will about Kim, she’s surely like “there, but by the grace of god, goeth I” because That was the destination Kanye promised her.

These men tell what they were gonna do to you If you’d ignored your instincts & stayed alllatime.

He probably was like “yeah, Kim W I S H E S she was you, standing here buck naked, stupid & deadeyed to the world like this! ”

& even tho Kim is off chuckling, all ‘no thanks & whew!” … some dudes live off the lifeforce of chicks who see their highest feminine high as trying to fill the shoes of all the chicks refusing to fuck with their soul-marred asses.

Trophy logic is fucked. Tin is tin, man. It is all glorified rust.

But~ That there was the most honest, literal unveiling of the real goal of the game these dudes get lured into, Ever.

Your trophy will be an abused, rubberized fembot thaaat you are a pedophilic laughingstock standing beside.

& Fuck thinly veiled Ye’s bitch-ass still being violently mad at his momma for not letting him play with Barbie Dolls as a kid. Liiike a fucking petulant 9yr old girl.

(But that…is a Whole nother post lol.)

Anyways… back to The play.

Drown out Kendrick’s win with the old fashioned, stupid whyte woman pedastal-ing by stupid black men p h o b i a that a certain Other segment has always been mindfucked by… kick up attention we feed on.

…classic move. Return to form.


that it didn’t work.

…even with those allegorical re-activation points awarded(see Beyonce & Taylor inside & Ye raising glasses to his own assholicism outside) that entire performance fell so flat he went home early [just liiike trump at the Superbowl]).

&…Ye, as beholden To what he’s accessed In that system as Drake is , career-wise… loses his fucking shit, tellingly trying to make said system ‘move’ by screaming all things Nazi he could think of. He’s huddled in a corner right now, wracked with what it means that his wildcards to catch attention are DOA.

So…Kendrick Lamar entered the field on Sunday with all the recent awards that should’ve been enough to shush him by machine logic. The threat of now personally pointed lawsuits bloomed with the crowning glory(in the system’s mind) of performing at the Superbowl, an offer laced with an unspoken agreement – a nakedly blanket shall we say Censori~ing.

A threat to take that amplified shit the system awarded him at the mountaintop.

devil loves to show up as a Lawyer, accusing & threatening to take a human’s shit lol.

& Kendrick Lamar… made a show…of the entire show.

chef’s fucking kiss.