Told ya. &THIS is why I’ve pulled my punches on JD Vance.

Rejected by Ohio gay boys for not being an ideal archetype dude…Standing there with a bipoc beard of a wife in cahoots with his BS & a vendetta full of nothing but hatred twds the fertile, blond white women who refused to be “hired” as his politico wife & the gay men who rebuffed his secret life shit for 2 decades.

He’s a particular kind of broken that where he Actually grew up gay churned out hard in the 90s. So many of those guys around Cincinnati’s very gay, dark, and wild underground didn’t make it out of those killing fields. & it’s IN the bible belt pressure cooker territory, cross burning at Christmas in downtown Cincinnati territory. I know one guy who survived intact. & he did so because he got up to NYC. I only met him because he came back in checking on folks as I was about to break the fuck out.

I think he was letting that Thiel dude dick him down the entire time. Too. Benefactor style. & ya know what? Big deal…if he wasn’t attacking all that he does in others doing it.

& Usha is a willing participant in this false front mess. & it’s not helping him. It was never going to help him, living that lie.