It’s that… it was done TO hurt us. By 6 groups who disparaged us daily (whilst appropriating )for being authentically ourselves…six clusters it’ll decimate before it even can look our way, full.| What hate gives the Hater. Everytime. Eventually. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Tanika Ray (@tanikaray)
You better Get yer Tall Boy shit in there, Gavin! With yo hot, actually presidential ass|”Don’t come into Mah state with yo bullshit when my state covers everybody’s ass all the time (&you know it).”
“You’re REALLY gonna say Nothing about what’s afoot in…D.C.?”| nope! & here’s why I don’t have to…my work here seems done.
What a man does INSTEAD of helping in a crisis…is WHAT he is.| Newsom knew How to do what🍊is oblivious to.
Redman outchere Shekinah’in… you see it in his Eyes. & he already was a wild lyricist. I can only Imagine what got amplified in him doing it.|the Wise ones, maaan.