Watch’em dispute & debunk the BS on Kamala’s name… MEN!|#kamalaHARRIS⁴President

You have to understand… there are going to be some people willing to parrot whatever talking points attacking Harris will get them current clicks.

Foster can have her own opinion. She always has, and loudly.

…this isn’t it. This is her shucking and jiving because her whathaveyous dropped off. Partially due to stunts like this. This even feels old. For her.

But I like that dudes are digging out where the roots of the dissonance against KAMALA HARRIS WAS…and are present tense refuting it all …in the forever changed now of 2024.

It directly addresses the very things gossiped about that soaked from fiction into fact with the passage of time and lays the truth bare in broad daylight.

But… Kimberely’s original, deep seated ire… was always validated by the trauma she went through. Alot know that. Both those in her peer group and us who are older, absently watching her do her thing with pride when she was on business, old-school style.

That’s why dude started out from a place of grace before, instead of reading her for filth. He just debunked every bullshit stance she publicly took.

What made this gorgeous was the note he ended on. The places he spoke healing towards her on…are the places a lot of black women get targeted or hit just tellingly trying to do right by themselves.

We come up in a system that simultaneously despises us, demands us to save it, disparages us & gets livid over inabilities to impose its definitions of us onto us any longer.

&yes, there’s a bunch of us that swerve outta dodge straight “fuck yo couch” style and get slandered for rejecting that fucked up job description, others who waste their lives in loopholes in that system, trying to find workarounds as they watch friends get waylaid & shipwrecked.

He pinpointed the teeth marks on her from fighting that war, usually alone, & exposed the actual beast that has run ripshod all over her at the same time.

& then…he sent in Love.

Actual Love.

All she did once was stand up against insidious pockets of misogynoir. When no one else did.

Even as they lit her ass up as she spoke her truth.

& these bitches really never fully gave her her flowers for that Joan of Arc fight. I never liked that. She’s been busting her pissed off lil millennial ass off for Years.

But…They rarely do. Give those kind of flowers.

Most really fucking have no idea HOW to.

So it’s an unspoken double-hurt she’s probably had to soldier through.

But an inability to be happy For Harris… if all this still stands In 2024… shows where she got infected in her own battles and hasn’t been able to heal from.

Facing Internalized misogynoir is a trip we all gotta take to clear it. Across color lines & gendered whathaveyous. Everybody’s got at least a smidgen of it fucking with their head in this country.

Here’s a man who Sees her genius in full light and sight of her candidly spoken upon genus, genesis & geist, one who gets her gist … who is yowling in fucking frustration over her willful misinformation when she IS of the caliber that could’ve Easily done her own research To debunk everything she said before she spouted it, ending on a pure note of:

Biiiiittttttch, you hurt!

& we understand! But fuck no! Not this shit! Go fuckin heal so you can be of use outside of publicly having to refute your shit.

Speak the truth with fuckin love level shit.

It happens so often too.

I think a variant of that infectious kickback being a similar scourge among white women led to them betraying themselves over Hillary.