You must understand…
Everything is not written for you.
Everything is not created For you.
There are some things that are having very straightforward and succinct conversations with entities and energies so above (or below) your spiritual “pay grade” that they will Never make sense to you where you are when you come in contact with them.
Do not get angry at them for not dumbing it down for you. Get angry at yourself for wanting to know for the wrong fucking reasons.
That thing none of us want to hear, but all of us need to here a lot more often than our nosy asses may publicly admit.
You have no real reason to know some of the shit you want an angry “in” on, insight-wise. You aren’t ready to process so much and it is proven by the haughtiness with which you are always looking for something to look down on.
It would be different if you truly gave a fuck about the things. Because then there would be space for the world around you to bloom, to help you understand the incomprehensible that is pissing you off in whatever you’re trying to make yourself choke down in the first place.
You have no interest in the subject matter nor any respect of the person…you just want to bitch about whatever that subject matter means coming out of that person you disrespect…
So it is a wardrobe of curiosities forever closed to you. As it should be.
You Never wanted a conversation with those who you look down on.
You wanted them to fawn over you, to look up to you, to value your opinion.
You want them to give a fuck about your thoughts and the things publicly say you hold to be true…because if they did…your “feelings” that they are less than you could hold sway in their lives.
& your anger at them…is over them not giving a rat’s ass about what you think because it is obvious to them that you haven’t held your first original thought in life Yet. No matter the monetary amount keyed to all the smoke blown up your ass-cheeks.
Everything you spout has been piped in.
It’d be more engaging for them to speak to those who gave you the pilfered soundbites you offer up to the world with that stupid pompous look on your face than it would to speak to you because you’ve done nothing of merit with what you HAVE exposed yourself to.
Which is why you are so aggravated to witness someone who does Not move like you, who has not bought the parcels you have.
That knows that doing that half-assed shit really hardcore is not the way to anything else other than mediocracy- a mediocre, false meritocracy that only allows in things beneath it that allow it to seem as if it’s the best in town.
That is why you look around at all you have”amassed” and NONE of it means anything to you.
It’s your own fault. You never brought anything of meaning to it prior to “them” lavishing it upon you for being a good mime or parrot. Or after.
Hating someone else for what you’ve willfully done to yourself when you were given every option to do otherwise is more pitiful than anything you set your sullen, stiff…fragile face…to mock.
It’s not just running on different juice, with different engines. The entire schematics are different. So why not be happy with what you have chosen for yourself as your vehicle? Why desire so badly to bash others who rock with an utterly different make and model than what you picked off the lot, supposedly of your own accord?
…Perhaps this is the true issue.
Mortality quakes in light of the reality that you havent made a real choice true to your heart Yet.
You wouldn’t be so angry at another’s way of interpreting the world around them, a la Shakespeare, or Joseph Campbell’s call to see the world as it is and then express your interpretation of it to see what you are bringing to bear on it that is wholly yours…if you’d ever even thought to do something like that just for fun.
Even having to be Led to do so …speaks volumes.
Most who are happy just end up following their own hearts instead of feigning their heart is like that day’s market price dish on a well-worn bistro menu.
Treating someone else’s way as intrusive to your “thought processes” and attempting to attack them for it when you are only aware of their way by intruding, stalking, bullying, hacking… is stupid enough. In the hallowed words of Matt Groening…
But to go through all that repulsive chicanery only to find out you can’t even keep up? Sheesh, man. The fiuck are you doing? Get mad at the true infraction-maker.
To do all that nonsense in fear of having ONE bona fide thought of your own reeks of Ninth Circle of Hell level shit.
For fuck’s sake, Man! Just… find a true thought of your own to grapple with.
Being triggered by thoughts you should’ve known you couldn’t even handle accessing in the first place, especially not illegally, is just…demoralizing. Even for the one you’ve chosen to target to harass.
I know this is a current “way” of the world, kids.
This entitlement racket you have been bamboozled into thinking you are a big D in… by your emotionally incestuous mothers and absentee fathers filling you with screeching egotistical nonsense to distract you from calling them on their shit (until someone pops you in the forehead due to your mis-step and all your mother’s bad parenting hallmarks flood out of you like piss and tears from a sleepy toddler, bewildered by people not understanding you)…
It’s kinda your fault…but you had help. Because of where and by what your eyes have been trained from jump. The Broadcast. In lieu of your parents nurturing you. They just stuck you in front of a screen to do the heavy lifting they probably never had modeled for them themselves.
Understand that some of those held up in what is “broadcast” as the most celebrated and emotionally intelligent around in this culture cannot model any better than this for you, to help you escape the pitfalls they’ve found themselves stuck in.
Because Your HEROES are Fn Idiots.
& often enough, they may end up trying to be the closest to having a nemesis you will ever have in the aftermath… if you get ‘lucky’ enough to meet them. At least momentarily. & Solely due to the twist to that sting when the sincere adulator realizes they’ve been duped. It hurts them more than it hurts you, kid. Because they believe their own copy more than you do & they’ve drank their own kool-aid to stay hydrated wherever they are. A cultist who wakes up is often slandered as a blasphemer.
…Stop wistfully tuning into talking heads and aim instead at
figuring out what you came here originally aiming to say, be, do and have.
& please…Stop being mad at people because YOU feel stupid. Or when you do.
That’s not their shit to carry or even help you work through.
You’re lucky they pay your nonsense any mind at all, but even that is some bullshit cop-out on your end.
Get out of their shit and start fucking with your own fn fertilizer.
Stop being so damned beholden to everything not making sense of or to you.