Ze Frank & zee science hippies|naughty |#mykindablerdism

Low key adore pigeons.
They’re doves, mostly.

Just colored ones.
That’s Right~ Mr.IjustLovedovesbutfuckpigeons!

You’re Racist!

… ya may as well mean that sexually lol.


Pigeons are only filthy where Humans they live alongside are f ureaking trifling. So if you’re still harbouring feeling some kinda way about them after this video…… may you face that it’s likely you who needs another bath today to clean it up a bit.

What I live for even more?

The sensory self-reflection always prismatically present in whatever intellectual madness Mr. Ze Frank wanders into warbling about for his own shits and giggles.

This is often how animal intel lives in my brain: the logistics of “#naughty ” lol…

You get this from every angle?

You understand the key to me.

Hate on pigeons all you want… but at least pause to notice they all have gorgeous peacocky, jewel toned feathers on display on their undulating necks everyday (… then look in the mirror at whatever drab, creepy, discolored, splotchy nonsense is Your neck’sbaseline… out there dogging birds lol).

They are the “use the good China everyday” brethren of the urban animal kingdom.

You should take note lol.

*why is Glyph getting a bit hearted about pigeons? Imagine some arrogant rich fuck who refuses to bathe on pompous principle bitching about pigeons as they’re mindlessly littering. It’d stay with you too lol.