...hatred is such a strange drug. 🤔 It got so many to vote against their own interests. As a Sci-Fi head it's really interesting tho. How many white folks who are ¹st & ²ND generation home owners, college graduates who voted for him-seconds into the suburbs, steps over into the right side of the tracks...didn't think tariffs would affect them? How many are crumbling under caring for parents that didn't even treat them right as kids...spat in the face of the black woman offering policies that would help them alleviate that?

How many of them took the face of some black person they personally hate into that booth, really thinking they were voting against them...&they voted for the guy who has called everyone they resemble the worst of the worst he needs to deport? Not one of them noticed his deportation numbers rising to include green carded & offspring of illegal immigrants in their faces?

All he had to do was make a watermelon joke to blind them, no idea those watermelon jokes are rooted in the successes of black people during the reconstruction that outpaced them.

Present day encouraged hate blinded them to open history. Then they got them to fight against learning history in school. ALL so their true targets wouldn't see it coming. It's wild.