…& God MADE cuss words…he ain’t gone flinch at your “Holy Shit! I hope & pray that drop in mph I’m seeing is fn you, God! Is it??” query being a bit spicy, for fucks sake! He just wants ya to talk. To’ em.
Now is not the time to be remembering evil nuns and rulers on knuckles and ish. That’s just the entity behind this trying to trigger you through whatever has tackled you before in other sectors so you won’t be able to help. I know I am not the only one having to knock trolls up offa things in this mess. THAT is how important you being Able to help pray this shit down IS.
Talk to God.
We need that kind of all hands on deck right now.
That’s going to change this shit.
I have LIVED through that. In real time. Multiple times. My wild ass had an affinity for fn Hurricane addicted spots in the oughts. & I am telling you…I have been Looking-scanning for that kinda shift the whole time with this…because I know that shift. I KNOW WHAT THAT SILENTLY INEXPLICABLE SHIFT IS, Miami, to New Orleans, to the Bahamas to NYC, to fn here.
& I KNOW that, surprisingly to the fn contrary, there are a whole bunch of Godloving, god-fearing, prayed up fucks making their homes in this City of Angels. Right alongside the Devils ki-ki-ing it up.
Los Angeles has one of the most prayed up populations in the country, across denominations, specializations and affectations.

Whatever positivity you believe- fuckin pray to it and hopefully we’ll see our energy trusting in greater than us tamping this shit down.
We can string up the fn bureaucrats who cut budgets ignoring basic fucking engineering tenets of water mobilization up hills after the FN fact.