I'm just going to say it. These (refering to the racist) bitches couldn't do shiiit without Black women. They were fucking clueless & utterly disrespectful of "The HELP" they received.
From the beginning, unless a Black woman's dexterity in domesticity was benefiting whites, it was LITERALLY CRIMINAL. Look up the Black Codes.
Being home &raising your kids while your husband worked? SUSPECT. (& After a few generations of that strengthening both the working & middle Black class , they started finding ways to incarcerate would-be fathers... but that's a whole nother post~)
MARTHA STEWART was a boss because they didn't Know how×&they didn't have the help that knew how criminally mandated to a life holding them up. & it depends on who ya get. Some white women today recognize all this & treat ANY help they receive with the respect they deserve. Some, even in 2025 have to be checked.
It's not that they're ignorant. Stop giving them that pass. The ones who were, learn & do fucking better.
The audacity[ See Nebraska mad Blacks won't replace you know who] is arrogance & fear. Which always preceeds humiliation.
The bloodbath coming is going to be farmer suicides. Again. &when you factor all the Black farmland stolen...darker truths & sad justifications arise, whether we want to face them or not. God ain't mocked.