"Faffy" is an informal British adjective that means something is awkward, time-consuming, or overly complicated.  For example, you might describe a task (or person) as "faffy" if it's frustrating and takes up a lot of time and effort (with nonsense & grasping lies trying to be everything to everyone to get 'ahead'... instead of being themselves).

The Angel, chuckling at God giving her an opportunity to christen someone with her new favorite categorizer in real time, on tha same day!Lol

When asked to lie on someone, to willfully slander someone you have access to...before you ask yourself "Why them?" What you really need to ask yourself is Why YOU? Why'd they pick you to play that idiot part? How do you not know that anything you get via that is cursed? Look around.

The Angel, trying to help your ass as the world burns...

I NOW christen theee~ a little Faffy~

AngelBrynner, casually knighted into #makeitwithyerwholeheart the benedictine order of Stanley Tucci~