What you believe to be true evokes certain emotions
(regardless if what you believe to BE true is true or not).
Aaron Doughty( AngelBrynner)
Author: Glyph
Take the breather. Root down again. It’s not over.
…& God MADE cuss words…he ain’t gone flinch at your “Holy Shit! I hope & pray that drop in mph I’m seeing is fn you, God! Is it??” query being a bit spicy, for fucks sake! He just wants ya to talk. To’ em.
Now is not the time to be remembering evil nuns and rulers on knuckles and ish. That’s just the entity behind this trying to trigger you through whatever has tackled you before in other sectors so you won’t be able to help. I know I am not the only one having to knock trolls up offa things in this mess. THAT is how important you being Able to help pray this shit down IS.
Talk to God.
We need that kind of all hands on deck right now.
That’s going to change this shit.
I have LIVED through that. In real time. Multiple times. My wild ass had an affinity for fn Hurricane addicted spots in the oughts. & I am telling you…I have been Looking-scanning for that kinda shift the whole time with this…because I know that shift. I KNOW WHAT THAT SILENTLY INEXPLICABLE SHIFT IS, Miami, to New Orleans, to the Bahamas to NYC, to fn here.
& I KNOW that, surprisingly to the fn contrary, there are a whole bunch of Godloving, god-fearing, prayed up fucks making their homes in this City of Angels. Right alongside the Devils ki-ki-ing it up.
Los Angeles has one of the most prayed up populations in the country, across denominations, specializations and affectations.

Whatever positivity you believe- fuckin pray to it and hopefully we’ll see our energy trusting in greater than us tamping this shit down.
We can string up the fn bureaucrats who cut budgets ignoring basic fucking engineering tenets of water mobilization up hills after the FN fact.
Real Believers will OFTEN say "God is the same yesterday, tomorrow and today. If he did it once, he'll do it again." The phrase "if God did it once, he can do it again" essentially means that because God is omnipotent (all-powerful), if he has performed a miracle or act of power in the past, he is capable of doing it again in the present or future, regardless of the circumstances; it's a statement of faith highlighting God's limitless ability to act in the world.
SO... WHAT DO you DO?
You pray... in THANKSGIVING of him doing that. to start. You see that difference and speak on it. You KNOW Santa Ana is usually 20 to 50+ on an ugh day. You saw the 100mph with all the rest of us... and you see for yourself the suddenly THREE miles per hour winds during this 20mph season.
If you aren't SURE it's God...ya find a way to ask in your spirit.
...you go "I hope this IS you, God and that you see us recognizing you making moves-"
You start there. & that conversation isn't one you gotta have anybody else privy to, questioning you with their atheistic BS at this moment. & it's who you know God to be- who that universality that's saved your ass in past shit that only you and it know of, is.
That's a you and God channel of talking to yourself if you gotta call it that.
"God, I hope that's you moving and I hope you truly ARE intervening in this because where we are now is where our human asses have gotten this and it's some fucking terrifying bullshit- I hope this really is my ass seeing you...and I am going to keep looking for signs that you are moving in this too-"
…more sonic background sound (spice?lol)options.
(background sounds)
70%. Nearly 70% of State Farm policyholders in the affluent Pacific Palisades neighborhood were dropped by the company beginning in July 2024.
Business Insider
Covered in the Business Insider. Not the LA Times|LA neighborhoods with most insurance rollbacks in the last 9 months.|[link]
Do not listen to fucked up, combative music looking for strength to amp you in this. It's actually designed to deplete you when push comes to actual shove. That's Why they pummel our community with it. It's meant to kick up your bravado while actually demoralizing you. I know you need some beats. But make sure the words aren't defined to fuck you.