Look- y’all who know me know that whether I want to or not, I’m going to ferret out the fuckery afoot under the surface of things. That has been occurring in these blazes too but it’s really horrific…and this time, it is besides the point.

…you don’t need to hear any of it- the bad- right now.

You need to focus on grounding your self so you won’t panic as this continues to be allowed to get worse by those who it was never about winning or losing with, but was instead about hatred .

You find a way to not freak out so you can do what you’re feeling called to do.

Find a way to not be reduced to creating chaos along with the energy doing so in this. Find a way to open up instead of shutting down . Don’t give bad actors or bad energy that victory.

We who stayed through the onslaught of covid here all know how to root down. We are the only reason Los Angeles didn’t explode then. We will be the reason it doesn’t now.

Don’t freak out. PREPARE. Prepare your homes, even if you think you can’t. Prepare your routes out calmly, if that’s the call.

…you may have other janky energy stirred up coming for you during this surreal time. Don’t let them overwhelm you.

Stay centered for whomever you’re staying centered in support of.

The “rise up” is an opportunity for you to slay that scum by keeping your peace & focusing on shoring up hedges of protection in the spirit around others.

If you’re up for it, we can sync up to aim for some semblance of freeform meditation at 6pm.

little known fact: AOLAB was low key formed in energetic cauldrons like this… it may not be much to some, but some of the things in this arsenal of AOLAB really do come in handy. Happy to help, if I can.



Synch-up to center down.


Go grab something to eat, check in on people who you haven't yet, who may have just popped into your mind. It may not be them directly, but they may have done so due to someone directly connected to them being in hell right now. & it goes both ways. Maybe YOU need to reach out because you need to shore up too. This energetic stuff gets weird at times like this. Just...stay cognizant of the quality to your reach out.

You can reconvene with me at 945am in prep for the rest of the day if you'd like. I have to go back in.

Even though I walk through the [sunless] [a]valley of the shadow of death,
I fear no evil, for You are with me;
Your rod [to protect] and Your staff [to guide], they comfort and console me.

Psalms 23:4, Amplified Bible

You gotta trust the new vision.

Aaron Doughty