… little known fact:

The Punishers in Grievechronic are based wholly on a twisted riff of my love & respect for the thankless job firefighters do for the machine and for us without ever really getting their due. I even edited out all cheeky horndogging thaaat is evidence of the otha flank of my affection for their wild assed order fulla men who throw chicks over their shoulders and run outta burning buildings like Hades sons looking out for us…who also cook their asses off 😁. Because they CAN.

&they’re the flirtiest, blushgrinning most hot boys in every grocery store they descend on en masse, dangling off those f ureaking hot trucks , purely for the pleasures of tha ladies. In every city & small town in America. Only mofos more playfully eyefucking folks over their choice of tuna over salmon in tha aisles than me…is them, as a literal monolith. They are wild, ridiculous & it’s wonderful, and not one of’em better be harmed up there.

When you hold a limiting subconscious story or identity, it directs your conscious mind to constantly look for evidence in your world to reinforce those limitations. Limiting stories and identities are what hold countless amazing beings back from going all in and doing the BOMB-ASS work that they came here to do.

Sarah Zula{reclaim your freedom}

I will not do my best to keep it light in here, but I will do my best to keep it honest, of the moment & as real in here as I can, called to be broadcasting anything-wise. I’ll find what I can that might help get your vibe right for whatever good God & the universe calls you to do in the next few days of this we all have to make it through.

That includes possibly some qigong flows to get you shored up with as we go.

I can’t believe it’s almost Sunday.

Sleep well tonight, if you can.

& if you can’t…do your best to at least Rest. So you’ll feel worth something when the sun comes up.

Just Know this: If you were in town when this happened, when you know you could’ve been all kinds of other places on earth when shit hit the fan fire-wise… especially if your “shit” is still safe…your soul WAS meant to be here. To fn help. Somehow.

The rebuilding begins internally long before the wildfires raging stop.

AngelBrynner, officially.

Angels, evil and good… have been conscripted to help the City of Angels “hood” lol.

One way or another. So get ready to figure out yer fuckin geterdone.

AngelBrynner, officially.
a man and woman wearing angel costumes
Photo by KoolShooters on Pexels.com

Why no haterade back out, especially now? Not because I am some Pollyanna. My happily dastardly shit used to be literally attributed to Evil Angel. Mah handiwork [&cutlery skills ] were legendary. Decades deep. Proudly. My love for daemonic-ly deigned by moi deserved decimation used to be storied as fuck, before righteousness or zeal for God was even in my vernacular.

I am now a biting, gnarly, forehead pop y’all in a minute mother fn Angel -Saint- not due to inherent sweetness per se, but due to God and zee Universe ( various lesser gods who wanted in on the beatdowns and yoink ups) working together to hand me mah once evil as F… A*** across time, to not only reform me…but to wake me up to the realization on my own, no force, that maybe I can help some of you wannabe evil mofos snap the ef outta it too. Before they get involved with you the way they got involved with me lol .

Because I get it. They’re kinda crazy up there, even rooting for us to win down here. & Occasionally heavy-handed as fuck.

I only recently got that even that is a lil false. I WAS once inherently sweet. Life just stopped that flow long enough make today’s honey flow supremely appreciated, cherished and willfully protected…from my own liable to be chaotic, blind reactions.

Most angels on Earth have caught those hands up top lol.

Notice even now, even a lot of those “humans being” y’all know full and well as ridden by fn demons are praying for rain.

Even the evil are like “Not like this~” right now.

Even anarchists are calling the cops on arsonists.
It’s not the Evil hoping for this to be worse, only the fucking morons.
AngelBrynner, wondering if this is technically kinda her testimony lol.

Do NOT be a fucking Moron right now. & Do not LET a fucking Moron you may know…be a fucking MORON.

They want you to See it...but know they've dumbed and numbed the populace down across all echelons so they have to really spell it out for you.

they are refusing to clarify when the palisades reservoir "went offline," saying it'd been "for a while"...the Santa Ynez complex would've held 117 million gallons...."still evaluating the effect of the reservoir Being placed offline..."

AngelBrynner, not even having to underscore the coordinated weaponized incompetence anymore, scanning January 10th, 2025's LA Times(owned by another billionaire, telling on themselves to play in folks faces).

Ignore the orange STUNTQUEEN’s stunts.

& ignore his billionaire fucking fuckbot twat boy.

They’re trying to steal your attention Off the crisis like typical hungry narcs.

The less clicks his (their, but mainly his) antics screaming into the aftermath of a rain’less hurricane like fucking morons, the better for us all.

Better yet… since he wants attention so Badly, when you Do look af him, see this.

okay y’all… I’m looking for some sonics now. I know this is alot.

But to gain concept. They’re making noise about 17 million cut from fire that they would not have been Allowed to use in fighting fires…& silent as fuck on the 216 million dollars added to the police budget for this same 2024-2025 fiscal period.

THAT is why I’m doing this right now. You gotta get this work, understand?