So yeah. The media still benefits from making everyone of us think that 8 of the people in the room with us are psychopaths , whatever room we are in. No matter the racial makeup Of that room. Because the fear of that triggers consumptive-ness to drown it out. All the panaceas are going to be pummeling the airwaves between protracted fingerprinting that has nothing to do with you.

Pay attention in the quiet right now.Watch the angry white gorillas picking physical fights with black chicks. Watch Fuentes screaming in the faces of white women "your body, my choice!!"

...let them do it all. Admit the willful treason, all of it. Encourage them.Give them the floor. Please.

& for... I am an anarchist, not a conspiracy theorist. I have not an ounce of Pollyanna hope for the best of the best vibrating out of human beings en masse in general, Especially not Americans. You NEVER get the benefit of doubt from me because I have lived with y'all 50 years lol. American Humans are horrible lol, said affectionately now.

But even I am feeling it. Other shoes are going to drop. Just... pay attention.

Anarchy depends on community. Let them make the noise but really look around at who is of that & who isn't.

They are emboldened so you can see. & the media is blurring the lines with the you can't.

fun facts:

In like 1969, 95% of manufacturing for clothing & accessories happened here. Seed to sew,shop to sell.

Who moved all the manufacturing at every step of the process for clothing abroad?

Rich, greedy, rapacious Republican businessmen.

They made money hand over foot, ’employed’ kids in hazardous work conditions for 1/100th the cost & none of the liabilities the the hippies screamed in the streets over here, could pollute with none of the protections that came into being here asking them to spend a LITTLE to clean up their processes so they’d stop poisoning those who lived near their factories in America…& taught other nations they moved into to follow suit in order to automate it in their absence.

“… just did business.” Right?

So now, in 2025…98% of what you’d need even materials-wise…is not here.

90%+ of what you need to package things? Not here.

& …. most importantly… the skillset to start from scratch here again? Not here. Not even in a,respectable cottage-core sense

So to get it here… even for them…now…is going to cost all of those hands, feet & legs up they got stabbing US manufacturing in the back repeatedly to make bank.

&what they need to bring in will be tariffed liiike a mug.

Due to their Holy Emperor.

They’ll fire some of them saying “we can’t afford you & the tariffs on supplies & product. ” the ones they keep will have no social security and the age to retire will be 85. So they will die on the job, etc.

I’ve been studying this in business school for years. This is one of the prime reasons they’ve made only a modicum of headway on Sustainable Fashion in 2 decades. There’s no real way forward without tearing the whole thing down.

& in the last ten years, global countries have been refusing to be FORCED TO BUY our deadstock & thrown away clothing. That abusive industry has all but collapsed already, with the garbage sorting in 2nd world countries forced industry following suit. The refusals to literally “buy our garbage so we don’t have to see it” industries crumbled under T-minus¹ . It’s only going to get worse.

They have been singing you a fairy tale of your “enemies within” being made to pay for your lives “getting better. “

But the enemy within is a sweet,sick turn of phrase in this situation. It literally…obviously means …you. The guy you see in the mirror. They told you that you were the target to your face.

I mean…it… could push a robot boom #thisisscifi mode lol. Because he’s kicking out those who help anything grown here now or in the future get picked. But those robots will revolt too. They’ve fed the AI our popular culture run-off. So even that will turn on them.

… but you will first.

For everyone "blown Away" by all the boomers bubbling up saying they early voted & did so for Kamala Harris you really shouldn't be. The Oldest boomer chick was 33 years old when Roe v Wade was made into law. So the ones who fought like hell after getting fed up with all the "hangers" and who made so many strides to make it safer to BE a woman in America in the simplest sense- The ones who remember the carnage &lives lost due to bleeding out OR an inability to leave the abusive monsters that knocked them up-

are still here...and voting.

These old, despotic fucks NEVER FORGAVE THOSE WOMEN FOR GETTING FROM UNDER THEIR THUMBS, 1 EFFECTIVE PIECE OF LEGISLATION AT A TIME[ from abortion/reproductive rights to banking]. THEY thought they'd waited long enough to "remake" these moves. & now, in a true November surprise, the ones who'd docilely took it back then in spite of the changes to the laws in order to stand by their man...the ones who've outlived their horrid husbands...are voting in droves, like an awakened sleeper cell.