Her RAW voice is a specific kinda sexy that every cell in me utterly understands. When she screams "without a prayer!" That's the GaGa thaaat could be my Globyl. From Grievechronic. The no fucks given, raw lung'd Lady Gaga over an epic, intricate as fuck arrangement.
Angel, with Gaga's Disease on repeat...
Category Archive: Fohn out Fridaze
An interesting fashist take| Costume Designhead, but~
God is not mocked. |
THERE’S NO TIME. Do not engage these people who want to eat up your energy getting you to fight about Karen Bass. Ted Cruz fled to Cancun to party. Karen Bass was one of Four AMBASSADORS sent in a presidentially picked Delegation to the INAUGURATION of a fairly elected Black African President. & The money cut was earmarked for longstanding empty desks that Fire commissioner hadn’t filled in Admin areas. NONE of the 17 million would’ve been used in this shit.
Am I repeating what I read & heard? Yes. But so are the ones who’d rather rage at her than help. Pay attention to dates. These cuts happened six months ago . I saw the latest Mush tried to lob like the bomb his cyber trucks are.
It tells you everything is “STRANGE” that he has it, for one.
But why would this Fire commissioner wait UNTIL DECEMBER 17TH,2024 TO SEND THAT LETTER ABOUT CUTS MADE SIX MONTHS AGO? Because 12/17 is As or After he failed as his attempt to bully congress.

Elon Musk saying “Criminal” is 100% right.
I ‘d say he was looking in the mirror but I doubt reflective surfaces work on him anymore.
They’re tellingly trying to clear the way to give Trump reasons for project 2025’s martial law move. Don’t buy into it.
You must stop turning a blind eye to the truth that in times of crisis they do THIS …instead of helping. Whilst holding almost all the money in the world.
Tell Elon Musk to truly contribute money to solving the situation or shut the fuck up.
Help who you can.
And…Clock responses to all of this with open eyes. What people are harping on is telling you shit. There’s grace to everyone for getting their shit mentally together. But pay attention to those willfully trying to rip your attention apart when you’re already down. You don’t want that shit around in the apocalypse. It fucks with any semblance of oasis you can Jimmy together.
mood As F| make something ya love outta apples once. That’s it. No more. This season. #locavore #seasonwhore🤗
Tahnoight, 8pm| Alina Alive
Ferris Bueller, on tariffs to folks who grew up to Be the very MAGA who forgot this.
…Nonononononnononoooooo~| You can’t make this shit up
If Tyson took bajillions to take the fall, it’s going to engorge the puny dicks of all these racist “your body, my choice” incel morons that waves of newly radicalized amazon bitches are chasing into the basements of the mothers that failed these fucking cucks (a là Nick Fuentes hiding with mommmie after my tribe DOXX3D his fn whereabouts to let the new recruits taste rage meat).
If Mr. ” I want to take their health~” Tyson- who has gotten a beautiful, weird Betty White/Dalai Lama hybridization of a glow up in his wizened , mellow aging- expresses what….ALOT of people who are ready for joy…are feeling with the recent turn of events ….& stomps this 27 year old kid in a grown assed golem body to splinters for goading him into the ring at fn 58 trying to mar that glow up…
it’s going to embolden another set of Erectile dysfunction drug crushing and snorting (in their 20s & 30s?for fucks sake, dweebs! Wtf? It’s gotta be the soy) morons to nonsense.
So just…understand that either way, the media will run this wildly to drown out the growing terrified furor of the MAGA who’ve been waking up to the heist just pulled off UTTERLY against them this week. That’s why it was scheduled as such.
It’s all keyed to the engorgement of the reptilian mind-led idiot penises that bow to Trump’s nonsense, one way or another.
mood music|Trump[²]
Universal Law always responds to your deeper intentions, which are to grow, develop, and unfold into the great version of yourself.
Michael B. Beckwith
Let's...Understand who Trump is courting at the last minute from a different perspective:
RAINN (Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network) estimates that for every 1,000 rapes, 384 are reported to police, 57 result in an arrest, 11 are referred for prosecution, 7 result in a felony conviction, and 6 result in incarceration.
There is a network of men in place in the pipeline of the process a woman has to go through to report attacks -who do all in their power to dissuade or discredit victims from advancing towards prosecution. For THEM to NOT support a candidate that is a convicted sex offender is stupid. He is the epitome of the "everyman" they've made careers protecting in spite of their crimes.