I think the story is it’s the grandmother’s land. All her kids went to the metropolises at first & their kids stayed with the grandparents, then do the same, head out. Liziqi did the same but felt disconnected in the cities, lifeless.

I think the grandfather died & any relatively nearby relatives in the village had families to raise. So she came back to look out for the grandma and started documenting how she kept busy. If you watch all of the videos you see the true transformation of the land. That’s why it’s so emotional because all this just happened…and you watch it play out. You watched her figure out how to build that couch she just pulled in…

She’s just doing her thing… but seeing how her doing so lights the grandmother up… there’s nothing like it.

This woman! She wanted a standalone showroom/ wardrobe... so she Built it~ ah f ureaking LOVE her.

The Angel, happily swooning over her favorite female arthead's return

Universal Law always responds to your deeper intentions, which are to grow, develop, and unfold into the great version of yourself.

Michael B. Beckwith

ONCE YOU 🗳 VOTE, IT'S sooooo okay [👍🏾 👍👍🏻👍🏿👍🏾] to be DONE &DIAL the fuck Out.

It's time to center self-care. Don't let the system we aim to fix finish us off at the last of it. Say your peace and get out of dodge.