When you hold a limiting subconscious story or identity, it directs your conscious mind to constantly look for evidence in your world to reinforce those limitations. Limiting stories and identities are what hold countless amazing beings back from going all in and doing the BOMB-ASS work that they came here to do.

Sarah Zula{reclaim your freedom}

I will not do my best to keep it light in here, but I will do my best to keep it honest, of the moment & as real in here as I can, called to be broadcasting anything-wise. I’ll find what I can that might help get your vibe right for whatever good God & the universe calls you to do in the next few days of this we all have to make it through.

That includes possibly some qigong flows to get you shored up with as we go.

I can’t believe it’s almost Sunday.

Sleep well tonight, if you can.

& if you can’t…do your best to at least Rest. So you’ll feel worth something when the sun comes up.

Just Know this: If you were in town when this happened, when you know you could’ve been all kinds of other places on earth when shit hit the fan fire-wise… especially if your “shit” is still safe…your soul WAS meant to be here. To fn help. Somehow.

The rebuilding begins internally long before the wildfires raging stop.

AngelBrynner, officially.

Angels, evil and good… have been conscripted to help the City of Angels “hood” lol.

One way or another. So get ready to figure out yer fuckin geterdone.

AngelBrynner, officially.
a man and woman wearing angel costumes
Photo by KoolShooters on Pexels.com

…& God MADE cuss words…he ain’t gone flinch at your “Holy Shit! I hope & pray that drop in mph I’m seeing is fn you, God! Is it??” query being a bit spicy, for fucks sake! He just wants ya to talk. To’ em.

Now is not the time to be remembering evil nuns and rulers on knuckles and ish. That’s just the entity behind this trying to trigger you through whatever has tackled you before in other sectors so you won’t be able to help. I know I am not the only one having to knock trolls up offa things in this mess. THAT is how important you being Able to help pray this shit down IS.

Talk to God.

We need that kind of all hands on deck right now.

That’s going to change this shit.

I have LIVED through that. In real time. Multiple times. My wild ass had an affinity for fn Hurricane addicted spots in the oughts. & I am telling you…I have been Looking-scanning for that kinda shift the whole time with this…because I know that shift. I KNOW WHAT THAT SILENTLY INEXPLICABLE SHIFT IS, Miami, to New Orleans, to the Bahamas to NYC, to fn here.

& I KNOW that, surprisingly to the fn contrary, there are a whole bunch of Godloving, god-fearing, prayed up fucks making their homes in this City of Angels. Right alongside the Devils ki-ki-ing it up.

Los Angeles has one of the most prayed up populations in the country, across denominations, specializations and affectations.

gold coloured human statue

Whatever positivity you believe- fuckin pray to it and hopefully we’ll see our energy trusting in greater than us tamping this shit down.

We can string up the fn bureaucrats who cut budgets ignoring basic fucking engineering tenets of water mobilization up hills after the FN fact.

Real Believers will OFTEN say "God is the same yesterday, tomorrow and today. If he did it once, he'll do it again." The phrase "if God did it once, he can do it again" essentially means that because God is omnipotent (all-powerful), if he has performed a miracle or act of power in the past, he is capable of doing it again in the present or future, regardless of the circumstances; it's a statement of faith highlighting God's limitless ability to act in the world.

SO... WHAT DO you DO?

You pray... in THANKSGIVING of him doing that. to start. You see that difference and speak on it. You KNOW Santa Ana is usually 20 to 50+ on an ugh day. You saw the 100mph with all the rest of us... and you see for yourself the suddenly THREE miles per hour winds during this 20mph season.

If you aren't SURE it's God...ya find a way to ask in your spirit.

...you go "I hope this IS you, God and that you see us recognizing you making moves-"

You start there. & that conversation isn't one you gotta have anybody else privy to, questioning you with their atheistic BS at this moment. & it's who you know God to be- who that universality that's saved your ass in past shit that only you and it know of, is.

That's a you and God channel of talking to yourself if you gotta call it that.

"God, I hope that's you moving and I hope you truly ARE intervening in this because where we are now is where our human asses have gotten this and it's some fucking terrifying bullshit- I hope this really is my ass seeing you...and I am going to keep looking for signs that you are moving in this too-"

Look- y’all who know me know that whether I want to or not, I’m going to ferret out the fuckery afoot under the surface of things. That has been occurring in these blazes too but it’s really horrific…and this time, it is besides the point.

…you don’t need to hear any of it- the bad- right now.

You need to focus on grounding your self so you won’t panic as this continues to be allowed to get worse by those who it was never about winning or losing with, but was instead about hatred .

You find a way to not freak out so you can do what you’re feeling called to do.

Find a way to not be reduced to creating chaos along with the energy doing so in this. Find a way to open up instead of shutting down . Don’t give bad actors or bad energy that victory.

We who stayed through the onslaught of covid here all know how to root down. We are the only reason Los Angeles didn’t explode then. We will be the reason it doesn’t now.

Don’t freak out. PREPARE. Prepare your homes, even if you think you can’t. Prepare your routes out calmly, if that’s the call.

it's hard to convince our body that what kept us safe in our earliest years is actually what is threatening us now. We basically now have to override a basic animal defense system that was put in place to protect us, but now holds us back.

Dr.Becky, parenting expert/ clinical psychologist

“In mirror therapy (MT), a mirror is used to create a reflective illusion of an affected limb in order to trick the brain into thinking movement has occurred without pain, or to create positive visual feedback of a limb movement. It involves placing the affected limb behind a mirror. The mirror is positioned so the reflection of the opposing limb appears in place of the hidden limb.[1]

Clinicians can create this illusion with a mirror box. This device is simply a box with a mirror in the center allowing the hands to be placed on either side of the mirror. The affected limb is always covered while the unaffected limb is placed on the other side so its reflection can be seen on the mirror.

Mirror therapy was first proposed as a potential therapeutic intervention by Vilayanur S. Ramachandran to help alleviate Phantom limb pain, a condition in which patients feel they still have a pain in the limb after amputation. 

Ramachandran and Rogers-Ramachandran[2] first devised the technique in an attempt to help those with phantom limb pain resolve what they termed a ‘learned paralysis’ of the painful phantom limb. The visual feedback, from viewing the reflection of the intact limb in place of the phantom limb, made it possible for the patient to perceive movement in the phantom limb. Their hypothesis was that every time the patient attempted to move the paralysed limb, they received sensory feedback (through vision and proprioception) that the limb did not move. This feedback stamped itself into the brain circuitry through a process of Hebbian learning, so that, even when the limb was no longer present, the brain had learned that the limb (and subsequent phantom) was paralysed. To retrain the brain, and thereby eliminate the learned paralysis, Ramachandran and Rogers-Ramachandran created the mirror box.[3]

You can read more about mirror therapy through Stephen Sumner’s experience who lost his limb some years ago. “

full article here: https://www.physio-pedia.com/Mirror_Therapy