…you may have other janky energy stirred up coming for you during this surreal time. Don’t let them overwhelm you.

Stay centered for whomever you’re staying centered in support of.

The “rise up” is an opportunity for you to slay that scum by keeping your peace & focusing on shoring up hedges of protection in the spirit around others.

If you’re up for it, we can sync up to aim for some semblance of freeform meditation at 6pm.

little known fact: AOLAB was low key formed in energetic cauldrons like this… it may not be much to some, but some of the things in this arsenal of AOLAB really do come in handy. Happy to help, if I can.



Synch-up to center down.

What is most endearing about the entire experience to me is that 100% of the things that “do” all that to me were introduced very casually… and only decades later is Science like “fuck yeah. “

Natto is so good for you that Doctors will Order you not to eat it if you’re on certain heart medications Because it Outperforms the big pharma stuff.

& I have Never known myself to be a beans or legumes acolyte- long before finding out they have phytates that could be at the root of my system’s rejection of them… but I’ve lived for natto from my first taste of it. &all the heart health benefits naturally in it are just delectable gravy to me.

People having issues with clotting post-covid mess should try out adding the lil cartons like once or 2x a week. #notaMD.