Christmas Eve 2020~ Twas the Night Before Christmas~

Twas the night before Christmas…

Twas the night before Christmas has been a mainstay with me since that little mouse cartoon in ye olde seventies.

A newer tradition was picked up in New Mexico about four years ago: making some sort of Lasagna or pasta dish like spaghetti and meatballs.

A local native & Mexican-American family that had scattered to the four winds came back to Arroyo Seco every year to take over the hotel that I was holed up in during an art show… and for 30+ years they’d been having lasagna or spaghetti on Christmas Eve together. Hanging out with the matriarchs of that family that year, surrounded by the first snow I’d danced on in over eight years gave me one of the sweetest holidays I’ve ever had. It has since become as canon as Twas the night before Christmas.

Telling you… LASAGNA on Christmas eve is tha bomb. There are three variants of lasagna in the Globalboho arsenal cookbook but to start you off right, check out my favorite woman to watch cook after myself, Ina Garten (below)!