Wanna fix your Foundation so you won’t feel so f*cked moving forward? July is the perfect time to get real about figuring out how you want to get down for this next season of your life. WHY JULY? Well, the FISCAL first of the year is technically right here, right now. Here’s a few AOLAB tools to help you learn how to #consciouslydesignyourfnLife and get to it:

The Globalboho revisionist agenda is a planner experience like you’ve never had before.
Set up to give you the ways & means to find and know yourself as you plot out what is ideal for you( and then aim at achieving it), the GB revisionist agenda is the most in-depth, design your own life blueprint (without calling it a blueprint) guide, planner & workbook on the market. This version focuses on the daily freewrite format, alongside giving you all the special, seasonal, monthly & weekly sections you come to expect from the line. It’s still hardcore, just shorter and sweeter, with a little more space to flow, one quarter at a time.
Available in the A5 size in hardcover, the sleek “three month+ “GB revisionist agenda is beautifully designed & sturdy enough to be used on its own or to be inserted into standard A5 desk agenda and notebook covers .
“Enjoy the ride” & “know thyself” never looked so good.

The Globalboho AOLAB Agenda is that 21st century wild, fun, low-key hardcore self-care planner experience you KNOW you need.
The AOLAB Agenda is the BEST “design your life” guide, planner, workbook & “seasonal blueprint” maker on the market, giving you the ways & means to know yourself like never before as you plot out what is truly ideal for you & then aim at achieving it. The help you have often wished for when facing down a new season of life (but never had until now) is in your hands & it is ready to take you where you dream of going.
It has:
Curated seasonal, monthly & weekly sections focused on helping you flesh out a LIFE alongside whatever your livelihood aims are without compromising; intensive double paged “Dailies [½ Hardcore, ½ Freewrite]” ; cool GNOSIS sections full of spiritual deep dives to clarify your flow; + project planning, moon sheets, habit trackers, travel planners, grooming, gratitude & idea logs-
Given the chance, room to dream, plan, & practice~you might be surprised by how quickly you will change your world.
Available in hardcover in the A5 size, the “3 month’s strong” GB AOLAB Agenda is beautiful, stylish & sturdy enough to stand on its own or to be inserted into some A5 desk agenda and notebook covers.
It’s old-school “write it down & geterdone” style- just shorter and sweeter, with some arthead space to flow, one satisfying season at a time.
“Fix your Foundation! Otherwise, you’re f*cked.”
[AOLAB: ART OF LIFE/Angel Brynner]

https://angelbrynner.com/ https://kokopellimapress.com https://globalboho.com/