This Kokopellima Press tenth anniversary edition also features artwork from the NYC2NOLA series of collages from the Angel Brynner/Art of Life project, a ten+ year trek through creative communities across America, Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean where over 1500 pieces of work were created on-the-road-style.
Produced in the autumn of 2008, still reeling and forever changed by what became the first of many seasons in the hothouse, NYC@NOLA was the third official grouping of artwork from that road-trip.
As a surprise, a portion of the proceeds from each purchased tenth anniversary Bottom of the Ninth Ward Bulletin book will be donated to support the efforts of Trinity Christian Community Center in Hollygrove, New Orleans, Louisiana. TCC center was the first place that allowed Angel Brynner to help in NOLA, an opportunity that changed the trajectory of her life by weaving a service/volunteering aspect into every AOLAB trek she went on afterwards.