Shake it off, silly~!| Schoolyard 2024

I’m up in Culver City base camped near a lower elementary school whilst writing and whatnot. First things first! These kids have it made ,end of year style. Their teachers have them out running around yelling at the top of their lungs all day long- You hear them breaking out the doors like we used to get like ONCE a day, en masse, a good three times, seemingly grade by grade on a loop. I can’t SEE them, but I can hear them lol.

Which I’m all for. Let’em yell it out of ’em in the sun lol. We used to do it before and after schools sans supervision on top of recess and gym and I think that’s what saved my generation. Now that it’s not always safe for these lil Alpha rainbow children to run wild, let’em be feral as they can be on campus.

It’s been the teachers on the PA systems like carnival barkers that’s been cracking me up, with the kids yelling back with their whole chests, no speaker systems needed.

But something just happened that made my free-writing ass soar. Some teacher put on music… Taylor Swift. And…the kids…just turned into a chaotic yet nimble choir, singing at the top of their lungs in unison. It was like this wild, campy choir when it got to the chorus. But it was on top of all that sing-songs madness…that I just got to hear[& I’m totally picturing what I heard because I’m on a divan behind frosted glass and they’re behind buildings facing a quad, I think]… some teacher…seem to pass some kid… the microphone…for the verse…and you hear this tinny, sweet obviously nervous voice shyly sing out the words like she was standing there, knees shaking…

But I keep cruisiiiing! Can’t stop won’t stop grooving~

-ion’t even know if those are the words because it’s Taylor Swift, but those kids knew every one!

& then you just heard the kids roar into the chorus and her voice get stronger with theirs and… then it was just sonic mayhem-

Whoever that kid IS~ Is gonna go home telling the whole world what she did! I heard it! I know that sound. Got goofy tears in my eyes-

My high School wasn’t just a high school. Cleveland School of the Arts was 4th grade through 12th grade. The 4th through 6th grade had to do college prep edu work + do ALLL the majors. Middle school did college prep, picked 2 majors, HS specialized on one back in the day. 752 kids max, I think. My big brother was there from 6th, my kid sis from 4th. I was in Major Works/Honors programs til School of Science for a bit for middle school then came in in 9th.

Elysum[ grieve chronic, book nine] is a demented ode to all that madness…so I’m kinda emo hearing sim reverberating in my currently chosen atmosphere lol.

It’s nice to hear these Culver City, Cali teacher Magii letting these lil wild ones run free like we used to with none of the sunshine and manicured lawns these kids get to eat up.

But everybody breaking out into song, no matter what? Hek yeah!

Props are given to Taylor Kielce lol.

And may you enjoy this lil festive, fridaze afternoon interlude…

Taylor’s version of it{ If Imma post it~}…go watch it on YouTube lol.