The shop is situated slightly above the main concentration of antique stores, scattered through a series of small cottages alongside the tasting room for Wargin Wines and a dispensery.
It’s positioning speaks to the inebriation awaiting you once you unlatch the half door and enter in.
This place is like Xanadu for anyone who has a sincere interest in collecting. The man helming it learned his craft from his father, who somehow ended up with an upper east side benefactress who taught him the trade when he was a small child.
He specializes in old money estate sales and a large percentage of his clientele comes from mainland China. This man had pieces that made my heart spin and every one of them had an intelligent yarn to go with them.
We talked for hours. He knew the area I was raised in antiquing-wise, and my inner child beamed everytime we’d ramble onto another topic led by something nearby and he’d do a double take because I also had some working knowledge of it. Definitely novice level in comparison. But like any great mentor, when he saw what I had he doused me in more, gleefully watching my giddy ass soak everything up.
The first afternoon was the perfect expression of the heart behind the AOLAB active art decks , an afternoon spent literally at the feet of an elder regaling you with treasures until you were embedded with knowledge, heart soaring and pocket heavy with jewels.

Or in this case, on the floor pouring over the glut of vintage art and design books that he had in boxes that I lost my mind over.
The second afternoon happened on the heels of coming back to the plaza to check out Wargin wines.

I had spent so much time in the antique shop & was so punch drunk afterwards that a glass of wine wouldn’t have even registered.

As I sat on their patio chatting with one of the women who ran the tasting room she echoed my childlike bliss over her neighbor in the venue.
There’s no one who comes here that doesn’t LOVE him!

I went back to say goodbye and thank you again for the deal on a beautiful 70s cloisonne box styled after an Egyptian scarab breastplate I’d grown up with at CMA…and we fell in to a K hole of conversation again, this time over antique Japanese earthquake predicting vases and a son he adored that primarily trades down in LA.
His eyes started sparkling again as he saw me migrate back towards the books. I sheepishly grabbed another glossy book on art deco jewelry design that he had in a pile and his eyes slid over to a white Japanese wagasa I’d been playing with during our previous conversation.
Take it~it’s my gift to you.
I startled a bit because it came out of left field.
He nodded yes, grinning.
My eyes watered a bit as I said “umm… okay~” wobbling like a dork, then had to explain myself.
“I had almost gotten one of these at another shop but God said no because it wasn’t in the best shape and the color was off and they’d wanted too much for it in that condition. All I’d wanted since I was a kid was a white one but I didn’t even ask you it’s price because I have had a (miniscule)small budget to do this, had shipped everything else…this book was to be it.” I laughed.
“That means it has found it’s right home. Enjoy it. It was nice talking with you…and thanks for coming back,” he smiled.

Amazing place, Edward & sons.
“On offer: Coins and paper money, Fine and costume jewelry, regardless of condition, All silverware/flatware, Tea sets and trays, Candlesticks, Sterling silver, gold and plated items, Watches and pocket watches, Painting and prints, Oriental rugs, Antique and used furniture, Old documents and stamps, Military items, swords and muskets, Glass and oil lamps, Musical instruments, Photographs, Postcards, posters, old books and other paper items, Clock and watches, Old toys and trains, Pottery and glassware, Bronze statues…and more.”
5025 Soquel Dr, Soquel, CA 95073