STARTHERE2021. GB Woosah sonic Wednesdays (Globalboho sonic/sonar/sounds 2.1): “Deep Healing Energy, Positive Aura Cleanse, Sound Healing Session, Stress Relief

It’s been a wild ride…and yes,  they’re trying  to keep up the nonsense in Congress today over the electoral vote being made official.


…but We The People…woke up in the reality in which we  WON Georgia.

Which means we can aim to match the spirit of our government to the spirits of all those Americans  who  responded to this bona fide public health crisis with humanity and empathy from the beginning.

We can finally begin to collectively strive on the grand scale  for the kind of caring we all hopefully saw exhibited for one another in our smaller spheres of concern and influence.

We can hope to see a better reflection going forward.

Is it a pipe dream?

All dreams are.

The deciding factor is doing the work to Lay the pipeline to get the good energy and resources to where they are needed,  even in a metaphysical sense.

& WE have a lot of work to do.

I find it stirring that all that has happened in 2020 occurred right as the youngest GENXers officially became full-on 40+ grown ups.

Our psychological, generational adulthood was destined to shape up like no other generation before or after us due to the battles we fought and won to BE fully who we were coming up…. wars that everyone who has come after our hell nahs have benefited from.

We – what we’ve done, what we tend to aim to want to do as we sincerely find our ways in the world to our own specs-are why pipe dreams have morphed to pipeline mentalities of sustainably sourcing and energetic supply.

I’m…getting ahead of myself.

Because there’s a lot of work to do  and I  am excited. For Us.

Strong civic engagement looks fucking resplendent on us. This world will change for the better.  & we won’t have to burn it down like we warily thought that we would to make that change manifest.

We’ve changed shit twenty years strong. And it looks like just under ½ of society is still patched into past protocols even as they die off in front of us all. Because they benefited from those old ways of doing things.

But we all did, in some way or another, or they would not have been allowed to stand for as long as they did.

So shame no one for where they currently stand. You never know where the road they are on will lead. We will get to see that just under half showing up against the higher flow of life shrink as more and more people stop living in fear of caring for their fellow citizens  from a serious place and understand that IT is a tenet of any self-care regime worth its salt.


But right about now~

What we all need to do…is cleanse our fields. So that our celebration at fiving ourselves the Simple chance to finally go forward in a spirit of love nationally to rise above all the dank shit that’s gone down in our name…

Can be pure.

There’s ALOT of great graphics in this Music for Body & Spirit Deep Healing energy, Pure Aura Cleanse sound healing session.

This crew releases tracks on Mondays and Wednesdays and they tend to be mellow celestial, purifying fire.

Check them out