…I saw it and couldn’t even jaw drop.
I’d thought… I’d misheard him. I’d looked at it again, got a twinge… that opened a different take… and as what I was going to do with it shifted, it softened what he’d said. To me. So I put that out there, a fleece- checking the math, if you will… and the feedback was welcome. So I took that as the correction.
& the rest of the whathaveyous of this past week wildly went on and I got blessed with an opportunity away that removed me from the in person aspect. I hadn’t even blinked when it arose. Apples & Oranges, opportunities away are my Way. Since I was holding it lightly, when I went “hmm, well maybe it’ll be xyz~” …and it was, I was like “…Cool. I can do it after the seminar-“
The day comes…
& I am In Dailies mode, geterdoneing- doing day one homework before day two began seminar-wise, walking the dawg with said seminar in my ear, insighting the fuck outta me… and we[ dawg & I] get back in time for the next section & god goes “Do the longform, not this.”
I heard it, racked up doggo, & just in case I was not fully listening God knocked mah fully charged on the walk phone I’d sat down, out.
I shrugged, plugged’em in and just in case I still hadn’t gotten the curation~ time had somehow flown so that there was no way to do the short form part from half-assed listening, even if I’d wanted to.
Seminar moved on, back into the meat I was there for. Then the day’s seminar work was done and processing begun.
I am one who has been working on erasing this notorious for not tackling tech ahead of time habit hard the last year, So I was quite proud showing up an hour early to ‘get in there’ to make it so for the livestream of the event I’d trekked away from in lieu of invites to go to.
& it was allll An…Utter no go.
The One device that this random tech they are xyzing with works with is the one piece of tech I didn’t bring gallivanting.
I… patiently Tried every which way…
and then was like “…ya know what? Nope~ This isn’t for me….I let it go~” Lol.
& I was geeked, blush grinning OVER how easily I’d let it go. First time for that to be the case, instead of rueing. I was geeked over being cockblocked from attending, even virtually.
Talk about Getting the you gone get this werk
that January was all over everybody’s ass being about!
I could see the not meant to be oozing from every pore of the thing lol.
& I looked up at God chuckling at my being blissfully free from attachment to being in attendance( Loves when Angelbaby learns and then applies the protocol, God does lol) and casually, purely out of curiosity, went ” I wonder why you didn’t want me to go?”
…then WHAM!
ALL the connected freeze-frames of the why’s sequentially organized themselves to give me the bigger explicit picture God did Not want my ass participating in.
As he called the ducks…fucking ducks. I was just like “I didn’t even think about that~” but afterwards, it was unseeable.
God’s been on some “I am making myself clear” momentum like a motherfuck. & I am gape-mouthed grinning , holding on for dear life, loving the wild ride. He ain’t fucking around on this. & my anime eyes are right there, like “let’s fuqqin Go, God! yeehaw!”
But …longforming as ordered will be in the afternoon’s array.