The …physiques of rather shall we say lazily athletic, tallish, lank-limbed women of color…often get endowed with…groceries, packages… thaaat they were wisely not working with or trusted with as youthes [a la Schmidt]. & it’s a beautiful, hedonistic place of joy… to slide into. That’s why even the most previously unassuming aunties be suddenly wildin’, thirst trapping Out. Ross went buck wild lol. HENSON is out here blooming all ova tha- even Union is like “plackow!” But luckily I was warned back in 07/08 as even good Christian big sisters burst into flames lol.

if check yourself before you Wrigety wreck yourself was an era~this is it 😁.

Even I knew there needed to be some decorum injected into these proceedings this summerπŸ˜‡. So I have been on it lol. But 49 is a fiiiiiione cliiiime.

AngelBrynner , on climate control.

Classic Childfucker psychopathy? Most adults attack and sexually abuse kids due to envy, trying to destroy or consume light. The sexual aspect is a false flag. It’s about seething to be another’s monster because you have nothing else to give.

Pedos have given me berth since book one because grievechronic is not about them.Β  Many were victims, infected and turned. Most want to keep their enterprises afloat. All deserve to die by the hands of the kids they targeted should those victims choose that, not by my pen.


This guy has been given his greatest role yet:  space and support to fix his fucking head.


It’s been out of my hands for a while. Too much work to do.Β  But it turns out other adult survivors of abuse are chomping at the bit to do their part by burning “a childfucker surprise & his enabler” at the stake on the international stage for fucking with a cause bigger than any of us in the fight.

That was fortifying as fuck to find out.

But many missed out on avenging themselves. And off the grid cells helm their own calls. 25+ years working on this topic I have seen enough to know that intervention, real repair, reparation & healing IS possible. That’s WHY I write.

They do not all operate with the grace I do.

Grievechronic is about survivors getting through HELL…to Heal. Period. Face…but fuck the past and it’s hold on you. You are more than what they did or allowed.

God love the underground.



…I won’t stop thinking about your mouth on the outskirts of mine. Drunk off you aging like wine. Mainlining thoughts of you like wet dreams lost at sea, knowing and loving what you do to me.

Rejected by Ohio gay boys for not being an ideal archetype dude…Standing there with a bipoc beard of a wife in cahoots with his BS & a vendetta full of nothing but hatred twds the fertile, blond white women who refused to be “hired” as his politico wife & the gay men who rebuffed his secret life shit for 2 decades.

He’s a particular kind of broken that where he Actually grew up gay churned out hard in the 90s. So many of those guys around Cincinnati’s very gay, dark, and wild underground didn’t make it out of those killing fields. & it’s IN the bible belt pressure cooker territory, cross burning at Christmas in downtown Cincinnati territory. I know one guy who survived intact. & he did so because he got up to NYC. I only met him because he came back in checking on folks as I was about to break the fuck out.

I think he was letting that Thiel dude dick him down the entire time. Too. Benefactor style. & ya know what? Big deal…if he wasn’t attacking all that he does in others doing it.

& Usha is a willing participant in this false front mess. & it’s not helping him. It was never going to help him, living that lie.

He’s been trying me for years … but It’s not my story to tell, Lt. Because if I tell it he gets off Scot-free. He’ll get to make a spectacle where he positions himself as the victim. & you’ll intimately know that every outrageous defensive retaliation “towards me” is a thinly veiled threat against you ever opening your mouth on it again …a threat nobody around will get, or will pretend not to get to keep their gravy trains rolling.

… I had my own demons to figure out how to walk through.

But you didn’t get off Scot-free. Should he?

The hands are an activation. It’s like a triple dog dare yo ass amplifier. Just like all the blinks after she said his name were double dog daring him to look away.

Oh. You missed the blinks lol?

Jenny was like “why is she suddenly blinking so much? “

Baby, that’s black girl Morse code level top secret for “I’m bout to whip your acting out a** in front of all yer lil friends-“

Re- Watch the tape. Lol watch her eyes.

Holy Fuck! It… looks like Empyrean πŸ™†πŸΎβ€β™€οΈπŸ˜₯πŸ˜­πŸ˜“πŸ˜’πŸ˜²πŸ˜! This is-

… I’ve rocked with this man a long time. But this??! Fuck, maaan! It’s like he’s been out there wandering round Kokopellinem’s pending realms- It’s like he just laid all my blood of my blood collages out on the beach and rolled around in them until the magazine inks seeped onto his skin and then Koko, Liloo & Beanie were like “ok, now design the video~!”lolol.

It’s like he listened to Circus in reverse until he resynched with what God was calling him to say & he transmogrified it and fucking floored it! If he starts playing this at Times Square, Shibuya Crossing, across from the LA downtown library-all these jumbotron spots- this video would kick off the second coming of the fn Music Video! They’d be fn hypnotized!

Brains alllllll ova the plaaaace! FUCK!

Tuesday wraps’s political coverage for this week.

… I’m going to do my best to go not give a fuck.

However it goes, it goes.

Decide what you’re doing about it in real time. Do your best to keep you educated. & know the metrics that are important to you.

In my first spec script I had a carac designed for Jason Momoa going toe to toe with a carac designed for Charlize Theron. It was hilarious to me because size-wise she could take him & he’d egged her on across millennia. It was their chemistry in my writerhead’s mind’s eye. Had only ever seen them near each other on the page, fussing, yowling my words.

… I’m finally watching FAST X.

I just saw them square off with one another. The chemistry I imagined face to face was spot-on.

full-fledged writerhead highs.