What is most endearing about the entire experience to me is that 100% of the things that “do” all that to me were introduced very casually… and only decades later is Science like “fuck yeah. “

Natto is so good for you that Doctors will Order you not to eat it if you’re on certain heart medications Because it Outperforms the big pharma stuff.

& I have Never known myself to be a beans or legumes acolyte- long before finding out they have phytates that could be at the root of my system’s rejection of them… but I’ve lived for natto from my first taste of it. &all the heart health benefits naturally in it are just delectable gravy to me.

People having issues with clotting post-covid mess should try out adding the lil cartons like once or 2x a week. #notaMD.

The latest round of short stories to feast upon, at your leisure~

  • The Maker
  • Dreamtigers
  • A Dialog About a Dialog
  • Toenails
  • Covered Mirrors
  • Argumentum Ornithologicum
  • The Captive
  • The Mountebank
  • Delia Elena San Marco
  • A Dialog Between Dead Men
  • The Plot
  • A Problem
  • The Yellow Rose
  • The Witness
  • Martin Fierro
  • Mutations
  • Parable of Cervantes and the Quixote
  • Paradiso, XXXI, 108
  • Parable of the Palace
  • Everything and Nothing
  • Ragnarok
  • Inferno, I, 32
  • Borges and I
  • On Exactitude in Science
  • In Memoriam, J.F.K.

Because Beast… Desecrated 12 sets of bones for the gram, found a cup & smashed all else. Bet money. & these fake religious folk will glom onto this mess…but their heads would explode if they found out the Nabateans are “mysterious ” in the annals of history because the fuckers found out long ago they look like the Black Yemeni of today.

All the strands fall into the mists of time when they can go no further without upending white supremacist nonsense.

If some of these dudes soooo ready to sell this narrative could openly Admit the ancient cultures Were melanated & that factors into the establishment blocking those narratives , it’d be a worthy discussion. But this culture they’re championing in reverse built allll these super structures & their progeny, after colonizing(raping & pillaging)the planet 2000 years oppressing the native populations everywhere they stumbled upon still can’t build anything remotely comparable to these super structures?

Maybe there’s a pointed reason for that inability, even in light of all their supposed supremacy. Maybe that’s why those others were oppressed, like Napoleon plainly said.

Go check out “Rhodesia.” Or the ramparts of Benin. Before you try it. OR them knowing that mask was Tut’s momma for eons, & all the obviously female bones they ransacked. Or that Tiye was black as Michelle Obama for over 100 years.

The newest round of short stories to feast upon, at your leisure~

  • The Immortal
  • The Dead Man
  • The Theologians
  • Story of the Warrior and the Captive Maiden
  • A Biography of Tadeo Isidoro Cruz (1829-1874)
  • Emma Zunz
  • The House of Asterion
  • The Other Death
  • Deutsches Requiem
  • Averroes’ Search
  • The Zahir
  • The Writing of the God
  • Ibn-Hakam al-Bokhari, Murdered in His Labyrinth
  • The Two Kings and the Two Labyrinths
  • The Wait
  • The Man on the Threshold
  • The Aleph

“In mirror therapy (MT), a mirror is used to create a reflective illusion of an affected limb in order to trick the brain into thinking movement has occurred without pain, or to create positive visual feedback of a limb movement. It involves placing the affected limb behind a mirror. The mirror is positioned so the reflection of the opposing limb appears in place of the hidden limb.[1]

Clinicians can create this illusion with a mirror box. This device is simply a box with a mirror in the center allowing the hands to be placed on either side of the mirror. The affected limb is always covered while the unaffected limb is placed on the other side so its reflection can be seen on the mirror.

Mirror therapy was first proposed as a potential therapeutic intervention by Vilayanur S. Ramachandran to help alleviate Phantom limb pain, a condition in which patients feel they still have a pain in the limb after amputation. 

Ramachandran and Rogers-Ramachandran[2] first devised the technique in an attempt to help those with phantom limb pain resolve what they termed a ‘learned paralysis’ of the painful phantom limb. The visual feedback, from viewing the reflection of the intact limb in place of the phantom limb, made it possible for the patient to perceive movement in the phantom limb. Their hypothesis was that every time the patient attempted to move the paralysed limb, they received sensory feedback (through vision and proprioception) that the limb did not move. This feedback stamped itself into the brain circuitry through a process of Hebbian learning, so that, even when the limb was no longer present, the brain had learned that the limb (and subsequent phantom) was paralysed. To retrain the brain, and thereby eliminate the learned paralysis, Ramachandran and Rogers-Ramachandran created the mirror box.[3]

You can read more about mirror therapy through Stephen Sumner’s experience who lost his limb some years ago. “

full article here: https://www.physio-pedia.com/Mirror_Therapy

… waiting for them to stop talking about the 1000 baby oil bottles [fulla GHB👩🏾‍🏫 genX nerd raised by gay boys underground/ exclubkid… just wait] & have the cajones to …broach…lolol… the 791 dildos…seized….from lolol-😝

America’s pervy puritanical posturing is soooo ridiculous.

GenXers tend to be the offspring of the survivors of the hippie Love revolution… thaaat lubed itself up, threw keys in bowls & slid into the swinger’s era whilst popping genX out.

I just got a call out the blue from a family member.

” So…your brother and sister are refusing to talk to your crazy father anymore- your brother changed his # so he could no longer call him to harass him-”

(…good for them. I am glad they finally put their foot down)

” I didn’t want to bother you with any of it before, but then I saw I decided to call today because it’s your birthday, & so… Your Uncle died.” [long PAUSE]

“Oh. …Which one? Lol-“

(To be fair! There’s a lot of’em! There’s 6 boys! It could be anybody! lolol)(& fTr, I like my uncles & they all appreciate my humor-It’s Theirs)

( offered condolences without entering the tornado…)

In the end you laugh at it. I mean really. lolol.

Cachexia is the cause of one third of cancer deaths. They send cancer patients to strength training because somehow their muscle mass factors into their ability to survive the onslaught.

Many people who have been vegan for a long time miss hitting their macros for so long that they trigger auto-immune disease down the road. Even with eating the huge amounts of vegetables they ingest trying to do so, eventually a form of cachexia hits them too.

What is cachexia?


So… you are not imagining it.

The …physiques of rather shall we say lazily athletic, tallish, lank-limbed women of color…often get endowed with…groceries, packages… thaaat they were wisely not working with or trusted with as youthes [a la Schmidt]. & it’s a beautiful, hedonistic place of joy… to slide into. That’s why even the most previously unassuming aunties be suddenly wildin’, thirst trapping Out. Ross went buck wild lol. HENSON is out here blooming all ova tha- even Union is like “plackow!” But luckily I was warned back in 07/08 as even good Christian big sisters burst into flames lol.

if check yourself before you Wrigety wreck yourself was an era~this is it 😁.

Even I knew there needed to be some decorum injected into these proceedings this summer😇. So I have been on it lol. But 49 is a fiiiiiione cliiiime.

AngelBrynner , on climate control.