God was in that clip, that banter from jump, having a ball.| He is the only one who can play Hezuz. |God loves his Hedonists.
US citizens who’ve paid “protection money” to the govt their whole lives [social security, basically] watching rich twats raid it with no pushback.
Been warning about this one for ages. For literal. Decades. I saw this coming the 1st time I got Out of the country. At 20. Kid you not. There was pushback by OUR border folks, even then. Against us. Surely it’s going to get worse.
Something is VERY wrong, y’all. Is this with genZ & millenials raised by “bad kind of feral “genXers?
…tha fuq is Wr0uOng with y’all? Yall do THIS??!|There’s not one sentence she uttered that warrants Life.
8yr old me, dangling off a very sturdy bunkbed putting on Shows to this song, kid sister shaking her head~| MoodasF| this is a very theatrical song at any age, for